+++ mktemp -d ++ workdir=/tmp/tmp.BQZtCisz5V ++ echo Workdir: /tmp/tmp.BQZtCisz5V Workdir: /tmp/tmp.BQZtCisz5V ++ echo Checkout base commit... Checkout base commit... ++ git checkout 7a84734e0e7d939ec2950c924cfd12e1b663c1e0~1 Warning: you are leaving 2 commits behind, not connected to any of your branches: 7a84734e0 Merge 11ef9c4622cc453ecf7696d4621c37236df80f53 into 2147cd39d7a47e938320ea4c90e2301d20e8c0e1 11ef9c462 fixed issues If you want to keep them by creating a new branch, this may be a good time to do so with: git branch 7a84734e0 HEAD is now at 2147cd39d Use Y_ENSURE instead of Y_ABORT in ydb/core/scheme and ydb/core/scheme_types (#15969) ++ echo Build graph for base commit... Build graph for base commit... ++ jq '.graph[]' ++ ./ya make -Gj0 -ttt ydb --build release -k --cache-tests --build-all Downloading https://devtools-registry.s3.yandex.net/8273800987 [.......................................] OK ++ echo Checkout head commit... Checkout head commit... ++ git checkout 7a84734e0e7d939ec2950c924cfd12e1b663c1e0 Previous HEAD position was 2147cd39d Use Y_ENSURE instead of Y_ABORT in ydb/core/scheme and ydb/core/scheme_types (#15969) HEAD is now at 7a84734e0 Merge 11ef9c4622cc453ecf7696d4621c37236df80f53 into 2147cd39d7a47e938320ea4c90e2301d20e8c0e1 ++ echo Build graph for head commit... Build graph for head commit... ++ jq '.graph[]' ++ ./ya make -Gj0 -ttt ydb --build release -k --cache-tests --build-all ++ echo Generate lists of uids for base and head... Generate lists of uids for base and head... ++ jq .uid ++ cat /tmp/tmp.BQZtCisz5V/graph_base ++ cat /tmp/tmp.BQZtCisz5V/graph_head ++ jq .uid ++ echo Create a list of changed uids in the head graph... Create a list of changed uids in the head graph... ++ cat /tmp/tmp.BQZtCisz5V/uid_head ++ sort ++ uniq -d ++ sort ++ cat /tmp/tmp.BQZtCisz5V/uid_base ++ uniq -u ++ cat /tmp/tmp.BQZtCisz5V/uid_head ++ echo Create ya.make Create ya.make ++ echo '' ++ echo Generate list of test shard names from the head graph based on the list of uids... Generate list of test shard names from the head graph based on the list of uids... ++ cat /tmp/tmp.BQZtCisz5V/graph_head ++ jq -r --slurpfile uids /tmp/tmp.BQZtCisz5V/uids_new 'select( ."node-type"=="test") | select( any( .uid; .==$uids[] )) | .kv.path' ++ sort ++ uniq