Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:106:2042] recipient: [1:100:16381] IGNORE Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [0:0:0] sender: [1:106:2042] recipient: [1:100:16381] Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:116:12291] sender: [1:117:2042] recipient: [1:100:16381] 2024-06-27T21:18:49.699837Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 600.000000s, compact single parted# no, Rate# 1, WakeupInterval# 60.000000s, RoundInterval# 172800.000000s, InflightLimit# 1, MinCompactionRepeatDelaySeconds# 600.000000s, MaxRate# 1 2024-06-27T21:18:49.699856Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BorrowedCompactionQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2024-06-27T21:18:49.699861Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: StatsBatching config: StatsBatchTimeout# 0.100000s, StatsMaxBatchSize# 100, StatsMaxExecuteTime# 0.010000s 2024-06-27T21:18:49.699865Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: using default configuration 2024-06-27T21:18:49.699870Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxMergeTablePartition, limit 10000 2024-06-27T21:18:49.699874Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: OperationsProcessing config: type TxSplitTablePartition, limit 10000 2024-06-27T21:18:49.699882Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: BackgroundCleaningQueue configured: Timeout# 15.000000s, Rate# 0, WakeupInterval# 1.000000s, InflightLimit# 10 2024-06-27T21:18:49.699925Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Execute 2024-06-27T21:18:49.717169Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot subscribe to console configs 2024-06-27T21:18:49.717184Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2024-06-27T21:18:49.730477Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TxInitSchema.Complete 2024-06-27T21:18:49.730900Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Execute 2024-06-27T21:18:49.730925Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: UpgradeInitState as Uninitialized, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.731838Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxUpgradeSchema.Complete 2024-06-27T21:18:49.731895Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Clear TempDirsState with owners number: 0 2024-06-27T21:18:49.731964Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInit, SS hasn't been configured yet, state: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.732026Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoExecute, path: MyRoot, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.732487Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxInitRoot DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.732736Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.732745Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.732767Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Execute 2024-06-27T21:18:49.732772Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxServerlessStorageBilling: unable to make a bill, domain is not a serverless db, schemeshardId: 72057594046678944, domainId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2024-06-27T21:18:49.732777Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxServerlessStorageBilling.Complete 2024-06-27T21:18:49.732804Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvAllocateResult: Cookie# 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.734044Z node 1 :HIVE INFO: [72057594037968897] started, primary subdomain 0:0 Leader for TabletID 72057594046678944 is [1:116:12291] sender: [1:227:2042] recipient: [1:15:2044] 2024-06-27T21:18:49.747008Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "MyRoot" StoragePools { Name: "pool-1" Kind: "pool-kind-1" } StoragePools { Name: "pool-2" Kind: "pool-kind-2" } } } TxId: 1 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.747074Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //MyRoot, opId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.747119Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2024-06-27T21:18:49.747158Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 1:0, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.747696Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 1, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.747717Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 1, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //MyRoot 2024-06-27T21:18:49.747755Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.747762Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.747767Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 1:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2024-06-27T21:18:49.747771Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 2 -> 3 2024-06-27T21:18:49.748134Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.748143Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId#1:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.748148Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 3 -> 128 2024-06-27T21:18:49.748488Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.748496Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.748501Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 1:0, at tablet 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.748506Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2024-06-27T21:18:49.748952Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046678944 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 1 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2024-06-27T21:18:49.749323Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 1:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046678944 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:1 msg type: 269090816 2024-06-27T21:18:49.749368Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 1, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Add transaction: 1 at step: 5000001 FAKE_COORDINATOR: advance: minStep5000001 State->FrontStep: 0 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Send Plan to tablet 72057594046678944 for txId: 1 at step: 5000001 2024-06-27T21:18:49.749525Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 5000001, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.749548Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 1 Coordinator: 72057594046316545 AckTo { RawX1: 124 RawX2: 4294979610 } } Step: 5000001 MediatorID: 0 TabletID: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.749554Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.749598Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 1:0 128 -> 240 2024-06-27T21:18:49.749603Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 1:0, at tablet 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.749624Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2024-06-27T21:18:49.749634Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 FAKE_COORDINATOR: Erasing txId 1 2024-06-27T21:18:49.749996Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.750003Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] 2024-06-27T21:18:49.750031Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.750036Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:195:8271], at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, path id: 1 2024-06-27T21:18:49.750045Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 1:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.750050Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046678944] TDone opId# 1:0ProgressState 2024-06-27T21:18:49.750059Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#1:0 progress is 1/1 2024-06-27T21:18:49.750062Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2024-06-27T21:18:49.750068Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 1, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2024-06-27T21:18:49.750074Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 1 ready parts: 1/1 2024-06-27T21:18:49.750078Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 1:0 2024-06-27T21:18:49.750082Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 1:0 2024-06-27T21:18:49.750090Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2024-06-27T21:18:49.750095Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 1, publications: 1, subscribers: 0 2024-06-27T21:18:49.750099Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 1, [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2024-06-27T21:18:49.750441Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2024-06-27T21:18:49.750456Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, msg: Owner: 72057594046678944 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2024-06-27T21:18:49.750460Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1 2024-06-27T21:18:49.750465Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1], version: 3 2024-06-27T21:18:49.750469Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046678944, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2024-06-27T21:18:49.750517Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, txId: 1, subscribers: 0 2024-06-27T21:18:49.751089Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944, cookie: 1 2024-06-27T21:18:49.751190Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 TestModificationResults wait txId: 101 2024-06-27T21:18:49.751411Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:257:12318] Bootstrap 2024-06-27T21:18:49.752705Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:257:12318] Become StateWork (SchemeCache [1:262:8317]) 2024-06-27T21:18:49.753203Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/MyRoot" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateTable CreateTable { Name: "Table" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "pgint4" } KeyColumnNames: "key" } } TxId: 101 TabletId: 72057594046678944 , at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.753243Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TCreateTable Propose, path: /MyRoot/Table, opId: 101:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.753255Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateTable Propose, path: /MyRoot/Table, opId: 101:0, schema: Name: "Table" Columns { Name: "key" Type: "Uint32" } Columns { Name: "value" Type: "pgint4" } KeyColumnNames: "key", at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.753319Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 101:0, propose status:StatusSchemeError, reason: Type 'pgint4' specified for column 'value' is not supported by storage, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.753499Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: actor# [1:257:12318] HANDLE TEvClientConnected success connect from tablet# 72057594046447617 2024-06-27T21:18:49.767769Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 101, response: Status: StatusSchemeError Reason: "Type \'pgint4\' specified for column \'value\' is not supported by storage" TxId: 101 SchemeshardId: 72057594046678944, at schemeshard: 72057594046678944 2024-06-27T21:18:49.767809Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 101, database: /MyRoot, subject: , status: StatusSchemeError, reason: Type 'pgint4' specified for column 'value' is not supported by storage, operation: CREATE TABLE, path: /MyRoot/Table 2024-06-27T21:18:49.767940Z node 1 :TX_PROXY DEBUG: Handle TEvAllocateResult ACCEPTED RangeBegin# 281474976715656 RangeEnd# 281474976720656 txAllocator# 72057594046447617 TestModificationResult got TxId: 101, wait until txId: 101 Unexpected result: StatusSchemeError: Type 'pgint4' specified for column 'value' is not supported by storage [[bad]]forced failure at ydb/core/tx/schemeshard/ut_helpers/helpers.cpp:145, void NSchemeShardUT_Private::CheckExpectedResult(const TVector &, TEvSchemeShard::EStatus, const TString &): Unexpected result: StatusSchemeError: Type 'pgint4' specified for column 'value' is not supported by storage[[rst]] [[alt1]]NUnitTest::NPrivate::RaiseError(char const*, TBasicString> const&, bool)+136 (0x13294588) NSchemeShardUT_Private::CheckExpectedResult(TVector> const&, NKikimrScheme::EStatus, TBasicString> const&)+457 (0x2516ED79) NSchemeShardUT_Private::TestModificationResults(NActors::TTestActorRuntime&, unsigned long, TVector> const&)+1953 (0x2516FD11) NTestSuiteTRestoreTests::TTestCaseExportImportPg::Execute_(NUnitTest::TTestContext&)+818 (0x13054772) NTestSuiteTRestoreTests::TCurrentTest::Execute()::'lambda'()::operator()() const+71 (0x1307CE97) NUnitTest::TTestBase::Run(std::__y1::function, TBasicString> const&, char const*, bool)+127 (0x1329653F) NTestSuiteTRestoreTests::TCurrentTest::Execute()+436 (0x1307C634) NUnitTest::TTestFactory::Execute()+780 (0x13296C9C) NUnitTest::RunMain(int, char**)+3005 (0x132A9A4D) ??+0 (0x7F29B28ACD90) __libc_start_main+128 (0x7F29B28ACE40) ??+0 (0x12426029) [[rst]]