Trying to start YDB, gRPC: 28020, MsgBus: 62790 2024-07-01T11:29:18.852340Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: kqp_predictor.cpp:134 :user pool is undefined for executer tasks construction 2024-07-01T11:29:18.852464Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7386628027220483094:4098];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2024-07-01T11:29:18.852468Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: kqp_predictor.cpp:134 :user pool is undefined for executer tasks construction 2024-07-01T11:29:18.852669Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: kqp_predictor.cpp:134 :user pool is undefined for executer tasks construction 2024-07-01T11:29:18.852778Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:68;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/vf44/00298e/r3tmp/tmpkQhQhm/pdisk_1.dat 2024-07-01T11:29:18.917826Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 28020, node 1 2024-07-01T11:29:18.938844Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: (empty maybe) 2024-07-01T11:29:18.938865Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2024-07-01T11:29:18.938867Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: failed to initialize from file: (empty maybe) 2024-07-01T11:29:18.938897Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration TClient is connected to server localhost:62790 2024-07-01T11:29:18.954891Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2024-07-01T11:29:18.954913Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2024-07-01T11:29:18.959489Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TClient is connected to server localhost:62790 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coo... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. waiting... 2024-07-01T11:29:18.982988Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: NotifyTxCompletion, unknown transaction, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... waiting... waiting... waiting... 2024-07-01T11:29:19.595834Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386628031515452745:4303], status: GENERIC_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Execution, code: 1060
:2:13: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:34: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:2:13: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: TopSort
:3:34: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: SqueezeToDict, At function: FlatMap, At function: If, At function: IfPresent, At function: IfPresent, At function: IfPresent
:3:34: Error: mismatch of then/else types, then type: Optional>>, else type: Optional>> 2024-07-01T11:29:19.596242Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YzkwZGMyZi1jYmFlYTgwMi0xZjA2OTYyOC03OTc4MDg4Nw==, ActorId: [1:7386628031515452555:4297], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1q0wx6d7fz42vwdj8yceca8, ReplyQueryCompileError, status GENERIC_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: [[bad]](NYdb::TContractViolation) Requested index out of range ydb/public/sdk/cpp/client/ydb_types/status/status.cpp:26: [[rst]] [[alt1]][[rst]]