=== Start server === Server->StartServer(false); 2024-07-01T11:08:57.116635Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: kqp_predictor.cpp:134 :user pool is undefined for executer tasks construction 2024-07-01T11:08:57.116833Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[1:7386622784692143791:4098];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2024-07-01T11:08:57.116849Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: kqp_predictor.cpp:134 :user pool is undefined for executer tasks construction 2024-07-01T11:08:57.116956Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: kqp_predictor.cpp:134 :user pool is undefined for executer tasks construction 2024-07-01T11:08:57.117052Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:68;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; 2024-07-01T11:08:57.138894Z node 1 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache created 2024-07-01T11:08:57.138731Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: kqp_predictor.cpp:134 :user pool is undefined for executer tasks construction 2024-07-01T11:08:57.138903Z node 2 :PQ_READ_PROXY DEBUG: Direct read cache created 2024-07-01T11:08:57.138988Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER WARN: fline=table_exists.cpp:54;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=undelivered;self_id=[2:7386622786784850355:4098];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2024-07-01T11:08:57.138996Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: kqp_predictor.cpp:134 :user pool is undefined for executer tasks construction 2024-07-01T11:08:57.139231Z node 2 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: kqp_predictor.cpp:134 :user pool is undefined for executer tasks construction 2024-07-01T11:08:57.139361Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:68;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=scheme_cache_undelivered_message; test_client.cpp: SetPath # /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/vf44/000caf/r3tmp/tmpsNzDOG/pdisk_1.dat 2024-07-01T11:08:57.233225Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2024-07-01T11:08:57.247186Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2024-07-01T11:08:57.247216Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2024-07-01T11:08:57.252417Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(1, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected TServer::EnableGrpc on GrpcPort 24073, node 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.270090Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Unknown -> Disconnected 2024-07-01T11:08:57.270111Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Disconnected -> Connecting 2024-07-01T11:08:57.271007Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Handle TEvInterconnect::TEvNodeConnected, NodeId 2 Cookie 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.275803Z node 1 :HIVE WARN: HIVE#72057594037968897 Node(2, (0,0,0,0)) VolatileState: Connecting -> Connected 2024-07-01T11:08:57.327948Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: distributable config is empty, broken or outdated, will use file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/vf44/000caf/r3tmp/yandexUK6xAo.tmp 2024-07-01T11:08:57.327958Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: will try to initialize from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/vf44/000caf/r3tmp/yandexUK6xAo.tmp 2024-07-01T11:08:57.328000Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER WARN: successfully initialized from file: /home/runner/.ya/build/build_root/vf44/000caf/r3tmp/yandexUK6xAo.tmp 2024-07-01T11:08:57.328035Z node 1 :NET_CLASSIFIER ERROR: got bad distributable configuration 2024-07-01T11:08:57.407911Z INFO: TTestServer started on Port 6837 GrpcPort 24073 TClient is connected to server localhost:6837 PQClient connected to localhost:24073 === TenantModeEnabled() = 0 === Init PQ - start server on port 24073 WaitRootIsUp 'Root'... TClient::Ls request: Root TClient::Ls response: Status: 1 StatusCode: SUCCESS SchemeStatus: 0 PathDescription { Self { Name: "Root" PathId: 1 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 1 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 1 PathState: EPathStateNoChanges Owner: "root@builtin" ACL: "" EffectiveACL: "" PathVersion: 2 PathSubType: EPathSubTypeEmpty Version { GeneralVersion: 2 ACLVersion: 0 EffectiveACLVersion: 0 UserAttrsVersion: 1 ChildrenVersion: 1 SubDomainVersion: 0 SecurityStateVersion: 0 } } Children { Name: ".sys" PathId: 18446744073709551615 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathType: EPathTypeDir CreateFinished: true CreateTxId: 0 CreateStep: 0 ParentPathId: 18446744073709551615 } DomainDescription { SchemeShardId_Depricated: 72057594046644480 PathId_Depricated: 1 ProcessingParams { Version: 0 PlanResolution: 7 Coo... (TRUNCATED) WaitRootIsUp 'Root' success. 2024-07-01T11:08:57.443970Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/" OperationType: ESchemeOpAlterSubDomain SubDomain { Name: "Root" StoragePools { Name: "/Root:test" Kind: "test" } } } TxId: 281474976715657 TabletId: 72057594046644480 PeerName: "" , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.444016Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TAlterSubDomain Propose, path: //Root, opId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.444062Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] was 0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.444157Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 281474976715657:0, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.448114Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 281474976715657, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 281474976715657 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.448155Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 281474976715657, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: ALTER DATABASE, path: //Root 2024-07-01T11:08:57.448191Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.448201Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 281474976715657:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxAlterSubDomain, at tablet72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.448204Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 281474976715657:0 ProgressState no shards to create, do next state 2024-07-01T11:08:57.448206Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715657:0 2 -> 3 waiting... 2024-07-01T11:08:57.448663Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion operation in-flight, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.448683Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715657, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2024-07-01T11:08:57.448686Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion transaction is registered, txId: 281474976715657, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.448720Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.448724Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TConfigureParts operationId#281474976715657:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.448728Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715657:0 3 -> 128 2024-07-01T11:08:57.449178Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.449186Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState, operationId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.449190Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose ProgressState leave, operationId 281474976715657:0, at tablet 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.449193Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 281474976715657 ready parts: 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.449818Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046644480 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 281474976715657 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2024-07-01T11:08:57.450934Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976715657:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046644480 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:281474976715657 msg type: 269090816 2024-07-01T11:08:57.450974Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715657, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 2024-07-01T11:08:57.451470Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 1719832137499, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.451495Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 281474976715657 AckTo { RawX1: 7386622784692144331 RawX2: 4294975608 } } Step: 1719832137499 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72057594046644480, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.451499Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 281474976715657:0, at tablet 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.451570Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715657:0 128 -> 240 2024-07-01T11:08:57.451587Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NSubDomainState::TPropose HandleReply TEvOperationPlan, operationId 281474976715657:0, at tablet 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.451604Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.451615Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DoUpdateTenant no IsExternalSubDomainRoot, pathId: : [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.451947Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.451957Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715657, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.451980Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.451983Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715657, path id: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.451989Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715657:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.451992Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046644480] TDone opId# 281474976715657:0ProgressState 2024-07-01T11:08:57.452001Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976715657:0 progress is 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.452003Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976715657 ready parts: 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.452006Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715657, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2024-07-01T11:08:57.452010Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976715657 ready parts: 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.452012Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976715657:0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.452014Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976715657:0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.452028Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.452036Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 281474976715657, publications: 1, subscribers: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.452038Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 281474976715657, [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1], 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.452355Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715657 2024-07-01T11:08:57.452373Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715657 2024-07-01T11:08:57.452376Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715657 2024-07-01T11:08:57.452379Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715657, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1], version: 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.452381Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.452391Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715657, subscribers: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.452393Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Notify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, to actorId: [1:7386622784692144480:4271] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.452655Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715657 2024-07-01T11:08:57.453776Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/Root" OperationType: ESchemeOpMkDir MkDir { Name: "PQ" } } TxId: 281474976715658 TabletId: 72057594046644480 PeerName: "" , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.453818Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TMkDir Propose, path: /Root/PQ, operationId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.453841Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: AttachChild: child attached as only one child to the parent, parent id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1], parent name: Root, child name: PQ, child id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.453851Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] was 0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.453865Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 281474976715658:0, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.453870Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.453877Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.454334Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 281474976715658, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 281474976715658 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.454355Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 281474976715658, database: /Root, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: CREATE DIRECTORY, path: /Root/PQ 2024-07-01T11:08:57.454382Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.454389Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715658, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.454406Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715658, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.454418Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.454420Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715658, path id: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.454422Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715658, path id: 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.454427Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.454430Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: MkDir::TPropose operationId#281474976715658:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.454433Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 281474976715658 ready parts: 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.454456Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046644480 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 281474976715658 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2024-07-01T11:08:57.454575Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715658 2024-07-01T11:08:57.454586Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715658 2024-07-01T11:08:57.454587Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715658 2024-07-01T11:08:57.454589Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715658, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1], version: 4 2024-07-01T11:08:57.454591Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.454616Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715658 waiting... 2024-07-01T11:08:57.454622Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715658 2024-07-01T11:08:57.454629Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715658 2024-07-01T11:08:57.454630Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715658, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2], version: 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.454632Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.454637Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715658, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2024-07-01T11:08:57.454917Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion operation in-flight, txId: 281474976715658, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.454938Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715658, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2024-07-01T11:08:57.454944Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion transaction is registered, txId: 281474976715658, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.454992Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976715658:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046644480 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:281474976715658 msg type: 269090816 2024-07-01T11:08:57.455024Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715658, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 2024-07-01T11:08:57.455034Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715658 2024-07-01T11:08:57.455038Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715658 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457023Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 1719832137506, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457045Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 281474976715658 AckTo { RawX1: 7386622784692144331 RawX2: 4294975608 } } Step: 1719832137506 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72057594046644480, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457050Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: MkDir::TPropose operationId#281474976715658:0 HandleReply TEvPrivate::TEvOperationPlan, step: 1719832137506, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457070Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715658:0 128 -> 240 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457088Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] was 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457101Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457533Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457542Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715658, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457562Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715658, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457582Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457584Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715658, path id: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457587Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715658, path id: 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457594Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715658:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457597Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046644480] TDone opId# 281474976715658:0ProgressState 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457606Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976715658:0 progress is 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457609Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976715658 ready parts: 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457613Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715658, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457616Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976715658 ready parts: 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457619Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976715658:0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457620Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976715658:0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457629Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457632Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 281474976715658, publications: 2, subscribers: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457634Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 281474976715658, [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1], 5 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457635Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 281474976715658, [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2], 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457756Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715658 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457774Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 1 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715658 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457776Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715658 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457779Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715658, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1], version: 5 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457781Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 1] was 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457810Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715658 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457819Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715658 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457820Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715658 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457821Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715658, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2], version: 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457822Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457828Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715658, subscribers: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.457830Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Notify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, to actorId: [1:7386622784692144527:4271] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.458157Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715658 2024-07-01T11:08:57.458180Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715658 2024-07-01T11:08:57.459449Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/Root/PQ" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateTable CreateTable { Name: "SourceIdMeta2" Columns { Name: "Hash" Type: "Uint32" } Columns { Name: "SourceId" Type: "Utf8" } Columns { Name: "Topic" Type: "Utf8" } Columns { Name: "Partition" Type: "Uint32" } Columns { Name: "CreateTime" Type: "Uint64" } Columns { Name: "AccessTime" Type: "Uint64" } Columns { Name: "SeqNo" Type: "Uint64" } KeyColumnNames: "Hash" KeyColumnNames: "SourceId" KeyColumnNames: "Topic" } } TxId: 281474976715659 TabletId: 72057594046644480 PeerName: "" , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.459511Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TCreateTable Propose, path: /Root/PQ/SourceIdMeta2, opId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.459531Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateTable Propose, path: /Root/PQ/SourceIdMeta2, opId: 281474976715659:0, schema: Name: "SourceIdMeta2" Columns { Name: "Hash" Type: "Uint32" } Columns { Name: "SourceId" Type: "Utf8" } Columns { Name: "Topic" Type: "Utf8" } Columns { Name: "Partition" Type: "Uint32" } Columns { Name: "CreateTime" Type: "Uint64" } Columns { Name: "AccessTime" Type: "Uint64" } Columns { Name: "SeqNo" Type: "Uint64" } KeyColumnNames: "Hash" KeyColumnNames: "SourceId" KeyColumnNames: "Topic", at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.459608Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: AttachChild: child attached as only one child to the parent, parent id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2], parent name: PQ, child name: SourceIdMeta2, child id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.459620Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] was 0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.459623Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason new shard created for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] was 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.459671Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason new path created for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] was 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.459679Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715659:0 1 -> 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.459795Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 281474976715659:0, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.459809Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.459814Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] was 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.460569Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 281474976715659, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 281474976715659 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 3, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.460592Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 281474976715659, database: /Root, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: CREATE TABLE, path: /Root/PQ/SourceIdMeta2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.460626Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.460631Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715659, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.460646Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715659, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.460656Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.460659Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715659, path id: 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.460661Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715659, path id: 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.460667Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.460671Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 281474976715659:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxCreateTable, at tablet72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.460715Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 281474976715659:0 CreateRequest Event to Hive: 72057594037968897 msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 OwnerIdx: 1 TabletType: DataShard ObjectDomain { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } ObjectId: 3 BindedChannels { StoragePoolName: "/Root:test" } BindedChannels { StoragePoolName: "/Root:test" } BindedChannels { StoragePoolName: "/Root:test" } AllowedDomains { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } waiting... 2024-07-01T11:08:57.460776Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715659 2024-07-01T11:08:57.460795Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715659 2024-07-01T11:08:57.460801Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715659 2024-07-01T11:08:57.460803Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715659, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2], version: 4 2024-07-01T11:08:57.460806Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.460836Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715659 2024-07-01T11:08:57.460846Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715659 2024-07-01T11:08:57.460848Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715659 2024-07-01T11:08:57.460849Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715659, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3], version: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.460851Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] was 4 2024-07-01T11:08:57.460855Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715659, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2024-07-01T11:08:57.460974Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion operation in-flight, txId: 281474976715659, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.460982Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715659, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2024-07-01T11:08:57.460985Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion transaction is registered, txId: 281474976715659, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.461028Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976715659:0 from tablet: 72057594046644480 to tablet: 72057594037968897 cookie: 72057594046644480:1 msg type: 268697601 2024-07-01T11:08:57.461070Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715659, partId: 0, tablet: 72057594037968897 2024-07-01T11:08:57.461076Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByShardIdx, TxId: 281474976715659, shardIdx: 72057594046644480:1, partId: 0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.461198Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715659 2024-07-01T11:08:57.461207Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715659 2024-07-01T11:08:57.461955Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvCreateTabletReply at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 message: Status: OK Owner: 72057594046644480 OwnerIdx: 1 TabletID: 72075186224037888 Origin: 72057594037968897 2024-07-01T11:08:57.461964Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByShardIdx, TxId: 281474976715659, shardIdx: 72057594046644480:1, partId: 0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.461976Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: Status: OK Owner: 72057594046644480 OwnerIdx: 1 TabletID: 72075186224037888 Origin: 72057594037968897 2024-07-01T11:08:57.461986Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 281474976715659:0 HandleReply TEvCreateTabletReply, at tabletId: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.461990Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 281474976715659:0 HandleReply TEvCreateTabletReply, message: Status: OK Owner: 72057594046644480 OwnerIdx: 1 TabletID: 72075186224037888 Origin: 72057594037968897 2024-07-01T11:08:57.462006Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715659:0 2 -> 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.462312Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.462332Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.462339Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateTable TConfigureParts operationId#281474976715659:0 ProgressState at tabletId# 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.462353Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateTable TConfigureParts operationId#281474976715659:0 ProgressState Propose modify scheme on datashard datashardId: 72075186224037888 seqNo: 2:1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.465907Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateTable TConfigureParts operationId#281474976715659:0 ProgressState Propose modify scheme on datashard datashardId: 72075186224037888 message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 7386622784692144092 RawX2: 4294979619 } TxBody: "\n\230\005\n\rSourceIdMeta2\020\003\032\017\n\005SeqNo\030\004 \007(\000@\000\032\016\n\004Hash\030\002 \001(\000@\000\032\023\n\010SourceId\030\200$ \002(\000@\000\032\020\n\005Topic\030\200$ \003(\000@\000\032\023\n\tPartition\030\002 \004(\000@\000\032\024\n\nCreateTime\030\004 \005(\000@\000\032\024\n\nAccessTime\030\004 \006(\000@\000(\001(\002(\003:\262\003\022\253\003\010\200\200\200\002\020\254\002\030\364\003 \200\200\200\010(\0000\200\200\200 8\200\200\200\010@\2008H\000RX\010\000\020\000\030\010 \010(\200\200\200@0\377\377\377\377\0178\001B$\010e\020d\031\000\000\000\000\000\000\360?*\025background_compactionJ\017compaction_gen1P\nX\200\200\001`nh\000p\000Rb\010\001\020\200\200\200\024\030\005 \020(\200\200\200\200\0020\377\377\377\377\0178\000B$\010e\020d\031\000\000\000\000\000\000\360?*\025background_compactionJ\017compaction_gen2P\nX\200\200\001`nh\200\200\200\004p\200\200\200\004Rc\010\002\020\200\200\200\310\001\030\005 \020(\200\200\200\200@0\377\377\377\377\0178\000B$\010e\020d\031\000\000\000\000\000\000\360?*\025background_compactionJ\017compaction_gen3P\nX\200\200\001`nh\200\200\200(p\200\200\200(X\001`\005j$\010e\020d\031\000\000\000\000\000\000\360?*\025background_compactionr\017compaction_gen0z\017compaction_gen0\202\001\004scan\210\001\200\200\200\010\220\001\364\003\230\0012\270\001\2008\300\001\006R\002\020\001J\026/Root/PQ/SourceIdMeta2\242\001\016\003\000\000\000\000\200\000\000\000\200\000\000\000\200\252\001\000\260\001\001\270\001\000\210\002\001\222\002\013\t\000\001\205\000\000\000\000\001\020\003:\004\010\002\020\001" TxId: 281474976715659 ExecLevel: 0 Flags: 0 SchemeShardId: 72057594046644480 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } SubDomainPathId: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.466293Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976715659:0 from tablet: 72057594046644480 to tablet: 72075186224037888 cookie: 72057594046644480:1 msg type: 269549568 2024-07-01T11:08:57.466322Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715659, partId: 0, tablet: 72075186224037888 2024-07-01T11:08:57.520109Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvProposeTransactionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186224037888 Status: PREPARED TxId: 281474976715659 MinStep: 1 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 PrepareArriveTime: 1719832137518195 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 1 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037888 CpuTimeUsec: 98 } } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.520123Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715659, tablet: 72075186224037888, partId: 0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.520154Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186224037888 Status: PREPARED TxId: 281474976715659 MinStep: 1 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 PrepareArriveTime: 1719832137518195 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 1 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037888 CpuTimeUsec: 98 } } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.520158Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateTable TConfigureParts operationId#281474976715659:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionResult at tabletId# 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.520164Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateTable TConfigureParts operationId#281474976715659:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionResult message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186224037888 Status: PREPARED TxId: 281474976715659 MinStep: 1 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 PrepareArriveTime: 1719832137518195 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 1 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037888 CpuTimeUsec: 98 } } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.520166Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TEvProposeTransactionResult at tablet: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.520183Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectProposeTransactionResults accept TEvProposeTransactionResult, shard: 72075186224037888, shardIdx: 72057594046644480:1, operationId: 281474976715659:0, left await: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.520191Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715659:0 3 -> 128 2024-07-01T11:08:57.520755Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.520783Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.520787Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateTable TPropose operationId#281474976715659:0 HandleReply ProgressState at tablet: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.520795Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 281474976715659 ready parts: 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.520829Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046644480 Flags: 2 } AffectedSet { TabletId: 72075186224037888 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 281474976715659 MinStep: 1 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2024-07-01T11:08:57.521166Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976715659:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046644480 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:281474976715659 msg type: 269090816 2024-07-01T11:08:57.521194Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715659, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 2024-07-01T11:08:57.521608Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 1719832137569, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.521627Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 281474976715659 AckTo { RawX1: 7386622784692144331 RawX2: 4294975608 } } Step: 1719832137569 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72057594046644480, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.521632Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateTable TPropose operationId#281474976715659:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan at tablet: 72057594046644480, stepId: 1719832137569 2024-07-01T11:08:57.521652Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715659:0 128 -> 129 2024-07-01T11:08:57.521669Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] was 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.521676Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] was 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.522530Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.522539Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715659, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.522570Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715659, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.522610Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.522617Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715659, path id: 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.522620Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715659, path id: 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.522626Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.522635Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 281474976715659:0 ProgressState at tablet: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.523051Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715659 2024-07-01T11:08:57.523063Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715659 2024-07-01T11:08:57.523065Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715659 2024-07-01T11:08:57.523068Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715659, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2], version: 5 2024-07-01T11:08:57.523070Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.523104Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715659 2024-07-01T11:08:57.523115Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 3 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715659 2024-07-01T11:08:57.523117Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715659 2024-07-01T11:08:57.523118Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715659, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3], version: 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.523119Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] was 4 2024-07-01T11:08:57.523124Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715659, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2024-07-01T11:08:57.527612Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715659 2024-07-01T11:08:57.527627Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715659 2024-07-01T11:08:57.527761Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvProposeTransactionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186224037888 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 281474976715659 Step: 1719832137569 OrderId: 281474976715659 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 5 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037888 CpuTimeUsec: 337 } } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.527769Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715659, tablet: 72075186224037888, partId: 0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.527789Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186224037888 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 281474976715659 Step: 1719832137569 OrderId: 281474976715659 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 5 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037888 CpuTimeUsec: 337 } } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.527800Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Unexpected message: tablet# 72057594046644480, ev# TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186224037888 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 281474976715659 Step: 1719832137569 OrderId: 281474976715659 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 5 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037888 CpuTimeUsec: 337 } } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.528293Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.528686Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046644480, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: Source { RawX1: 7386622786784850598 RawX2: 4503608217305093 } Origin: 72075186224037888 State: 2 TxId: 281474976715659 Step: 0 Generation: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.528700Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715659, tablet: 72075186224037888, partId: 0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.528725Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: Source { RawX1: 7386622786784850598 RawX2: 4503608217305093 } Origin: 72075186224037888 State: 2 TxId: 281474976715659 Step: 0 Generation: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.528732Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 281474976715659:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.528737Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 281474976715659:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046644480 message: Source { RawX1: 7386622786784850598 RawX2: 4503608217305093 } Origin: 72075186224037888 State: 2 TxId: 281474976715659 Step: 0 Generation: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.528745Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 281474976715659:0, shardIdx: 72057594046644480:1, datashard: 72075186224037888, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.528750Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.528753Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 281474976715659:0, datashard: 72075186224037888, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.528756Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715659:0 129 -> 240 2024-07-01T11:08:57.529233Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.529266Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715659:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.529274Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046644480] TDone opId# 281474976715659:0ProgressState 2024-07-01T11:08:57.529283Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976715659:0 progress is 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.529285Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976715659 ready parts: 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.529288Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715659, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2024-07-01T11:08:57.529298Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [1:7386622784692144569:4272] message: TxId: 281474976715659 2024-07-01T11:08:57.529301Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976715659 ready parts: 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.529304Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976715659:0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.529306Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976715659:0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.529325Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] was 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.531892Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/Root/PQ" OperationType: ESchemeOpMkDir MkDir { Name: "Config" } } TxId: 281474976715660 TabletId: 72057594046644480 PeerName: "" , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.531939Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TMkDir Propose, path: /Root/PQ/Config, operationId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.531973Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: AttachChild: child attached as only one child to the parent, parent id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2], parent name: PQ, child name: Config, child id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 4], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.531981Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 4] was 0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.531989Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 281474976715660:0, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.531997Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.532007Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 4] was 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.535819Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 281474976715660, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 281474976715660 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 4, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.535849Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 281474976715660, database: /Root, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: CREATE DIRECTORY, path: /Root/PQ/Config 2024-07-01T11:08:57.535880Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.535889Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715660, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.535914Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715660, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 4] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.535931Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.535934Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715660, path id: 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.535937Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715660, path id: 4 2024-07-01T11:08:57.535943Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.535947Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: MkDir::TPropose operationId#281474976715660:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 waiting... 2024-07-01T11:08:57.535952Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 281474976715660 ready parts: 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.535977Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046644480 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 281474976715660 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2024-07-01T11:08:57.536028Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 6 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715660 2024-07-01T11:08:57.536034Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 6 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715660 2024-07-01T11:08:57.536036Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715660 2024-07-01T11:08:57.536039Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715660, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2], version: 6 2024-07-01T11:08:57.536041Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.536065Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715660 2024-07-01T11:08:57.536071Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715660 2024-07-01T11:08:57.536072Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715660 2024-07-01T11:08:57.536074Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715660, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 4], version: 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.536075Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 4] was 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.536079Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715660, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2024-07-01T11:08:57.536235Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion operation in-flight, txId: 281474976715660, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.536244Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715660, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2024-07-01T11:08:57.536248Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion transaction is registered, txId: 281474976715660, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.539846Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976715660:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046644480 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:281474976715660 msg type: 269090816 2024-07-01T11:08:57.539878Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715660, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 2024-07-01T11:08:57.539897Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715660 2024-07-01T11:08:57.539908Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715660 2024-07-01T11:08:57.547897Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 1719832137583, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.547927Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 281474976715660 AckTo { RawX1: 7386622784692144331 RawX2: 4294975608 } } Step: 1719832137583 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72057594046644480, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.547933Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: MkDir::TPropose operationId#281474976715660:0 HandleReply TEvPrivate::TEvOperationPlan, step: 1719832137583, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.547960Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715660:0 128 -> 240 2024-07-01T11:08:57.547989Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] was 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.547997Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 4] was 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.551854Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.551865Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715660, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.551888Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715660, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 4] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.551899Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.551907Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715660, path id: 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.551910Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715660, path id: 4 2024-07-01T11:08:57.551915Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715660:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.551919Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046644480] TDone opId# 281474976715660:0ProgressState 2024-07-01T11:08:57.551931Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976715660:0 progress is 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.551933Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976715660 ready parts: 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.551938Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715660, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2024-07-01T11:08:57.551941Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976715660 ready parts: 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.551943Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976715660:0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.551945Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976715660:0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.551955Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 4] was 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.551958Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 281474976715660, publications: 2, subscribers: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.551961Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 281474976715660, [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2], 7 2024-07-01T11:08:57.551962Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 281474976715660, [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 4], 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.552299Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715660 2024-07-01T11:08:57.552308Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 2 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715660 2024-07-01T11:08:57.552310Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715660 2024-07-01T11:08:57.552313Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715660, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2], version: 7 2024-07-01T11:08:57.552315Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 2] was 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.552346Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715660 2024-07-01T11:08:57.552351Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715660 2024-07-01T11:08:57.552353Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715660 2024-07-01T11:08:57.552354Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715660, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 4], version: 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.552355Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 4] was 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.552360Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715660, subscribers: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.552362Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Notify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, to actorId: [1:7386622784692144652:4273] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.552973Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715660 2024-07-01T11:08:57.552984Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715660 2024-07-01T11:08:57.554104Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/Root/PQ/Config" OperationType: ESchemeOpMkDir MkDir { Name: "V2" } } TxId: 281474976715661 TabletId: 72057594046644480 PeerName: "" , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.554146Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TMkDir Propose, path: /Root/PQ/Config/V2, operationId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.554172Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: AttachChild: child attached as only one child to the parent, parent id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 4], parent name: Config, child name: V2, child id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.554179Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5] was 0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.554187Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 281474976715661:0, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.554192Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 4] was 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.554201Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5] was 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.556082Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 281474976715661, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 281474976715661 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 5, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.556106Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 281474976715661, database: /Root, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: CREATE DIRECTORY, path: /Root/PQ/Config/V2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.556133Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.556135Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715661, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 4] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.556152Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715661, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.556164Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.556166Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715661, path id: 4 2024-07-01T11:08:57.556169Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715661, path id: 5 2024-07-01T11:08:57.556173Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.556177Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: MkDir::TPropose operationId#281474976715661:0 ProgressState, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.556182Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 281474976715661 ready parts: 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.556201Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046644480 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 281474976715661 MinStep: 0 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2024-07-01T11:08:57.556260Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715661 2024-07-01T11:08:57.556265Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715661 2024-07-01T11:08:57.556267Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715661 2024-07-01T11:08:57.556269Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715661, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 4], version: 4 2024-07-01T11:08:57.556272Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 4] was 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.556291Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 5 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715661 2024-07-01T11:08:57.556295Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 5 Version: 2 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715661 2024-07-01T11:08:57.556296Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715661 2024-07-01T11:08:57.556298Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715661, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], version: 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.556299Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5] was 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.556303Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715661, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true waiting... 2024-07-01T11:08:57.557468Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976715661:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046644480 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:281474976715661 msg type: 269090816 2024-07-01T11:08:57.557493Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715661, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 2024-07-01T11:08:57.557504Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715661 2024-07-01T11:08:57.557508Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715661 2024-07-01T11:08:57.557644Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion operation in-flight, txId: 281474976715661, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.557646Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715661, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2024-07-01T11:08:57.557648Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion transaction is registered, txId: 281474976715661, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.557948Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 1719832137604, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.557965Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 281474976715661 AckTo { RawX1: 7386622784692144331 RawX2: 4294975608 } } Step: 1719832137604 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72057594046644480, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.557969Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: MkDir::TPropose operationId#281474976715661:0 HandleReply TEvPrivate::TEvOperationPlan, step: 1719832137604, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.557986Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715661:0 128 -> 240 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558005Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 4] was 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558010Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5] was 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558255Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558259Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715661, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 4] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558273Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715661, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558282Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558284Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715661, path id: 4 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558287Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715661, path id: 5 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558290Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715661:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558293Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046644480] TDone opId# 281474976715661:0ProgressState 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558299Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976715661:0 progress is 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558301Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976715661 ready parts: 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558304Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715661, ready parts: 1/1, is published: false 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558307Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976715661 ready parts: 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558308Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976715661:0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558310Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976715661:0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558316Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5] was 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558319Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication still in progress, tx: 281474976715661, publications: 2, subscribers: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558321Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 281474976715661, [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 4], 5 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558322Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Publication details: tx: 281474976715661, [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558393Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715661 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558401Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 4 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715661 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558403Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 2, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715661 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558405Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715661, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 4], version: 5 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558408Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 4] was 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558432Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 5 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715661 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558436Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 5 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715661 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558437Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Publication in-flight, count: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715661 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558439Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715661, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], version: 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558450Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5] was 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558456Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Publication complete, notify & remove, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715661, subscribers: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558458Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Notify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, to actorId: [1:7386622784692144694:4282] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558809Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715661 2024-07-01T11:08:57.558819Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715661 2024-07-01T11:08:57.578265Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622786784850579:4272], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2024-07-01T11:08:57.578278Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622784692144475:4297], status: SCHEME_ERROR, issues:
: Error: Type annotation, code: 1030
:3:16: Error: At function: KiReadTable!
:3:16: Error: Cannot find table 'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions., code: 2003 2024-07-01T11:08:57.578431Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MWFjYjA0MS02ZmU5ZjgxMC05M2RlY2Q1Ny02OWY5NDQ3YQ==, ActorId: [1:7386622784692144470:4296], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzqkq291r00n18bnaf2j59, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:08:57.578495Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZjZiNmQ2NmUtOWM5YzM3MjUtY2E1ZGFiMTAtZmE0M2QzMGU=, ActorId: [2:7386622786784850577:4280], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzqkq35nqyaaa7sv1s7f0f, ReplyQueryCompileError, status SCHEME_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:08:57.578589Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.578646Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Type annotation" issue_code: 1030 severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KiReadTable!" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "Cannot find table \'db.[/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster]\' because it does not exist or you do not have access permissions. Please check correctness of table path and user permissions." end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } issue_code: 2003 severity: 1 } } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: SCHEME_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.606380Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/Root/PQ/Config/V2" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateTable CreateTable { Name: "Cluster" Columns { Name: "name" Type: "Utf8" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "balancer" Type: "Utf8" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "local" Type: "Bool" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "enabled" Type: "Bool" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "weight" Type: "Uint64" NotNull: false } KeyColumnNames: "name" PartitionConfig { } Temporary: false } } TxId: 281474976715662 TabletId: 72057594046644480 PeerName: "" , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.606434Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TCreateTable Propose, path: /Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster, opId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.606457Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateTable Propose, path: /Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster, opId: 281474976715662:0, schema: Name: "Cluster" Columns { Name: "name" Type: "Utf8" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "balancer" Type: "Utf8" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "local" Type: "Bool" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "enabled" Type: "Bool" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "weight" Type: "Uint64" NotNull: false } KeyColumnNames: "name" PartitionConfig { } Temporary: false, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.606510Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: AttachChild: child attached as only one child to the parent, parent id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], parent name: V2, child name: Cluster, child id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.606517Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6] was 0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.606520Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason new shard created for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6] was 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.606535Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason new path created for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6] was 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.606538Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715662:0 1 -> 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.606637Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 281474976715662:0, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.606649Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5] was 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.606655Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6] was 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.607599Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 281474976715662, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 281474976715662 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 6, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.607621Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 281474976715662, database: /Root, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: CREATE TABLE, path: /Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster 2024-07-01T11:08:57.607649Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.607680Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715662, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.607703Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715662, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.607717Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.607723Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715662, path id: 5 2024-07-01T11:08:57.607726Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715662, path id: 6 2024-07-01T11:08:57.607731Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.607736Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 281474976715662:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxCreateTable, at tablet72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.607766Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 281474976715662:0 CreateRequest Event to Hive: 72057594037968897 msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 OwnerIdx: 2 TabletType: DataShard ObjectDomain { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } ObjectId: 6 BindedChannels { StoragePoolName: "/Root:test" } BindedChannels { StoragePoolName: "/Root:test" } BindedChannels { StoragePoolName: "/Root:test" } AllowedDomains { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.607942Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 5 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715662 2024-07-01T11:08:57.607953Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 5 Version: 4 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715662 2024-07-01T11:08:57.607955Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715662 2024-07-01T11:08:57.607958Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715662, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], version: 4 2024-07-01T11:08:57.607960Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5] was 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.607987Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 6 Version: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715662 2024-07-01T11:08:57.607995Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 6 Version: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715662 2024-07-01T11:08:57.607997Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715662 2024-07-01T11:08:57.607999Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715662, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], version: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.608000Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6] was 4 2024-07-01T11:08:57.608005Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715662, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2024-07-01T11:08:57.608167Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976715662:0 from tablet: 72057594046644480 to tablet: 72057594037968897 cookie: 72057594046644480:2 msg type: 268697601 2024-07-01T11:08:57.608201Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715662, partId: 0, tablet: 72057594037968897 2024-07-01T11:08:57.608208Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByShardIdx, TxId: 281474976715662, shardIdx: 72057594046644480:2, partId: 0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.608244Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion operation in-flight, txId: 281474976715662, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.608250Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715662, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2024-07-01T11:08:57.608253Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion transaction is registered, txId: 281474976715662, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.608318Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715662 2024-07-01T11:08:57.608331Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715662 2024-07-01T11:08:57.609436Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvCreateTabletReply at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 message: Status: OK Owner: 72057594046644480 OwnerIdx: 2 TabletID: 72075186224037889 Origin: 72057594037968897 2024-07-01T11:08:57.609443Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByShardIdx, TxId: 281474976715662, shardIdx: 72057594046644480:2, partId: 0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.609459Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: Status: OK Owner: 72057594046644480 OwnerIdx: 2 TabletID: 72075186224037889 Origin: 72057594037968897 2024-07-01T11:08:57.609461Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 281474976715662:0 HandleReply TEvCreateTabletReply, at tabletId: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.609465Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 281474976715662:0 HandleReply TEvCreateTabletReply, message: Status: OK Owner: 72057594046644480 OwnerIdx: 2 TabletID: 72075186224037889 Origin: 72057594037968897 2024-07-01T11:08:57.609477Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715662:0 2 -> 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.609785Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.609804Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.609806Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateTable TConfigureParts operationId#281474976715662:0 ProgressState at tabletId# 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.609813Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateTable TConfigureParts operationId#281474976715662:0 ProgressState Propose modify scheme on datashard datashardId: 72075186224037889 seqNo: 2:2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.609877Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateTable TConfigureParts operationId#281474976715662:0 ProgressState Propose modify scheme on datashard datashardId: 72075186224037889 message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 7386622784692144092 RawX2: 4294979619 } TxBody: "\n\335\004\n\007Cluster\020\006\032\017\n\004name\030\200$ \001(\000@\000\032\023\n\010balancer\030\200$ \002(\000@\000\032\017\n\005local\030\006 \003(\000@\000\032\021\n\007enabled\030\006 \004(\000@\000\032\020\n\006weight\030\004 \005(\000@\000(\001:\262\003\022\253\003\010\200\200\200\002\020\254\002\030\364\003 \200\200\200\010(\0000\200\200\200 8\200\200\200\010@\2008H\000RX\010\000\020\000\030\010 \010(\200\200\200@0\377\377\377\377\0178\001B$\010e\020d\031\000\000\000\000\000\000\360?*\025background_compactionJ\017compaction_gen1P\nX\200\200\001`nh\000p\000Rb\010\001\020\200\200\200\024\030\005 \020(\200\200\200\200\0020\377\377\377\377\0178\000B$\010e\020d\031\000\000\000\000\000\000\360?*\025background_compactionJ\017compaction_gen2P\nX\200\200\001`nh\200\200\200\004p\200\200\200\004Rc\010\002\020\200\200\200\310\001\030\005 \020(\200\200\200\200@0\377\377\377\377\0178\000B$\010e\020d\031\000\000\000\000\000\000\360?*\025background_compactionJ\017compaction_gen3P\nX\200\200\001`nh\200\200\200(p\200\200\200(X\001`\005j$\010e\020d\031\000\000\000\000\000\000\360?*\025background_compactionr\017compaction_gen0z\017compaction_gen0\202\001\004scan\210\001\200\200\200\010\220\001\364\003\230\0012\270\001\2008\300\001\006R\002\020\001J\032/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster\242\001\006\001\000\000\000\000\200\252\001\000\260\001\001\270\001\000\210\002\001\222\002\013\t\000\001\205\000\000\000\000\001\020\006:\004\010\002\020\002" TxId: 281474976715662 ExecLevel: 0 Flags: 0 SchemeShardId: 72057594046644480 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } SubDomainPathId: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.610282Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976715662:0 from tablet: 72057594046644480 to tablet: 72075186224037889 cookie: 72057594046644480:2 msg type: 269549568 2024-07-01T11:08:57.610302Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715662, partId: 0, tablet: 72075186224037889 2024-07-01T11:08:57.614119Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvProposeTransactionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186224037889 Status: PREPARED TxId: 281474976715662 MinStep: 1 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 PrepareArriveTime: 1719832137613045 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 1 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037889 CpuTimeUsec: 58 } } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.614127Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715662, tablet: 72075186224037889, partId: 0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.614143Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186224037889 Status: PREPARED TxId: 281474976715662 MinStep: 1 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 PrepareArriveTime: 1719832137613045 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 1 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037889 CpuTimeUsec: 58 } } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.614146Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateTable TConfigureParts operationId#281474976715662:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionResult at tabletId# 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.614152Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateTable TConfigureParts operationId#281474976715662:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionResult message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186224037889 Status: PREPARED TxId: 281474976715662 MinStep: 1 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 PrepareArriveTime: 1719832137613045 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 1 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037889 CpuTimeUsec: 58 } } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.614156Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TEvProposeTransactionResult at tablet: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.614167Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectProposeTransactionResults accept TEvProposeTransactionResult, shard: 72075186224037889, shardIdx: 72057594046644480:2, operationId: 281474976715662:0, left await: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.614173Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715662:0 3 -> 128 2024-07-01T11:08:57.614477Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.614498Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.614501Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateTable TPropose operationId#281474976715662:0 HandleReply ProgressState at tablet: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.614506Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 281474976715662 ready parts: 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.614529Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046644480 Flags: 2 } AffectedSet { TabletId: 72075186224037889 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 281474976715662 MinStep: 1 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2024-07-01T11:08:57.614874Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976715662:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046644480 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:281474976715662 msg type: 269090816 2024-07-01T11:08:57.614892Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715662, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 2024-07-01T11:08:57.615323Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 1719832137660, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.615342Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 281474976715662 AckTo { RawX1: 7386622784692144331 RawX2: 4294975608 } } Step: 1719832137660 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72057594046644480, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.615346Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateTable TPropose operationId#281474976715662:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan at tablet: 72057594046644480, stepId: 1719832137660 2024-07-01T11:08:57.615364Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715662:0 128 -> 129 2024-07-01T11:08:57.615379Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5] was 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.615392Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6] was 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.615843Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.615854Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715662, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.615877Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715662, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.615909Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.615917Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715662, path id: 5 2024-07-01T11:08:57.615920Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715662, path id: 6 2024-07-01T11:08:57.615925Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.615928Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 281474976715662:0 ProgressState at tablet: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.616476Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 5 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715662 2024-07-01T11:08:57.616490Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 5 Version: 5 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715662 2024-07-01T11:08:57.616492Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715662 2024-07-01T11:08:57.616495Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715662, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], version: 5 2024-07-01T11:08:57.616498Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5] was 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.616529Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 6 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715662 2024-07-01T11:08:57.616539Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 6 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715662 2024-07-01T11:08:57.616541Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715662 2024-07-01T11:08:57.616542Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715662, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], version: 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.616544Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6] was 4 2024-07-01T11:08:57.616549Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715662, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2024-07-01T11:08:57.616868Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvProposeTransactionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186224037889 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 281474976715662 Step: 1719832137660 OrderId: 281474976715662 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 1 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037889 CpuTimeUsec: 217 } } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.616875Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715662, tablet: 72075186224037889, partId: 0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.616887Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186224037889 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 281474976715662 Step: 1719832137660 OrderId: 281474976715662 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 1 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037889 CpuTimeUsec: 217 } } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.616893Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Unexpected message: tablet# 72057594046644480, ev# TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186224037889 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 281474976715662 Step: 1719832137660 OrderId: 281474976715662 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 1 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037889 CpuTimeUsec: 217 } } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.617064Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046644480, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: Source { RawX1: 7386622784692144805 RawX2: 4503603922337797 } Origin: 72075186224037889 State: 2 TxId: 281474976715662 Step: 0 Generation: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.617072Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715662, tablet: 72075186224037889, partId: 0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.617082Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: Source { RawX1: 7386622784692144805 RawX2: 4503603922337797 } Origin: 72075186224037889 State: 2 TxId: 281474976715662 Step: 0 Generation: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.617089Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 281474976715662:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.617094Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 281474976715662:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046644480 message: Source { RawX1: 7386622784692144805 RawX2: 4503603922337797 } Origin: 72075186224037889 State: 2 TxId: 281474976715662 Step: 0 Generation: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.617100Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 281474976715662:0, shardIdx: 72057594046644480:2, datashard: 72075186224037889, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.617101Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.617103Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 281474976715662:0, datashard: 72075186224037889, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.617106Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715662:0 129 -> 240 2024-07-01T11:08:57.617208Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715662 2024-07-01T11:08:57.617221Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715662 2024-07-01T11:08:57.617552Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.617570Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.617588Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715662:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.617591Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046644480] TDone opId# 281474976715662:0ProgressState 2024-07-01T11:08:57.617600Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976715662:0 progress is 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.617602Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976715662 ready parts: 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.617605Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715662, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2024-07-01T11:08:57.617612Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [1:7386622784692144755:4296] message: TxId: 281474976715662 2024-07-01T11:08:57.617621Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976715662 ready parts: 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.617623Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976715662:0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.617625Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976715662:0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.617642Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6] was 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.619695Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/Root/PQ/Config/V2" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateTable CreateTable { Name: "Topics" Columns { Name: "path" Type: "Utf8" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "dc" Type: "Utf8" NotNull: false } KeyColumnNames: "path" KeyColumnNames: "dc" PartitionConfig { } Temporary: false } } TxId: 281474976715663 TabletId: 72057594046644480 PeerName: "" , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.619739Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TCreateTable Propose, path: /Root/PQ/Config/V2/Topics, opId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.619752Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateTable Propose, path: /Root/PQ/Config/V2/Topics, opId: 281474976715663:0, schema: Name: "Topics" Columns { Name: "path" Type: "Utf8" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "dc" Type: "Utf8" NotNull: false } KeyColumnNames: "path" KeyColumnNames: "dc" PartitionConfig { } Temporary: false, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.619794Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: AttachChild: child attached as only one child to the parent, parent id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], parent name: V2, child name: Topics, child id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.619802Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7] was 0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.619805Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason new shard created for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7] was 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.619816Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason new path created for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7] was 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.619822Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715663:0 1 -> 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.619896Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 281474976715663:0, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.619907Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5] was 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.619911Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7] was 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.620239Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 281474976715663, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 281474976715663 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 7, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.620258Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 281474976715663, database: /Root, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: CREATE TABLE, path: /Root/PQ/Config/V2/Topics 2024-07-01T11:08:57.620279Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.620284Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715663, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.620300Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715663, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.620313Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.620316Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715663, path id: 5 2024-07-01T11:08:57.620318Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715663, path id: 7 2024-07-01T11:08:57.620322Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.620326Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 281474976715663:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxCreateTable, at tablet72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.620352Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 281474976715663:0 CreateRequest Event to Hive: 72057594037968897 msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 OwnerIdx: 3 TabletType: DataShard ObjectDomain { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } ObjectId: 7 BindedChannels { StoragePoolName: "/Root:test" } BindedChannels { StoragePoolName: "/Root:test" } BindedChannels { StoragePoolName: "/Root:test" } AllowedDomains { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.620602Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 5 Version: 6 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715663 2024-07-01T11:08:57.620612Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 5 Version: 6 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715663 2024-07-01T11:08:57.620614Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715663 2024-07-01T11:08:57.620616Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715663, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], version: 6 2024-07-01T11:08:57.620619Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5] was 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.620644Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 7 Version: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715663 2024-07-01T11:08:57.620652Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 7 Version: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715663 2024-07-01T11:08:57.620654Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715663 2024-07-01T11:08:57.620655Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715663, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], version: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.620656Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7] was 4 2024-07-01T11:08:57.620661Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715663, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2024-07-01T11:08:57.620837Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion operation in-flight, txId: 281474976715663, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.620846Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715663, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2024-07-01T11:08:57.620849Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion transaction is registered, txId: 281474976715663, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.621068Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976715663:0 from tablet: 72057594046644480 to tablet: 72057594037968897 cookie: 72057594046644480:3 msg type: 268697601 2024-07-01T11:08:57.621090Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715663, partId: 0, tablet: 72057594037968897 2024-07-01T11:08:57.621096Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByShardIdx, TxId: 281474976715663, shardIdx: 72057594046644480:3, partId: 0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.621107Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715663 2024-07-01T11:08:57.621116Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715663 2024-07-01T11:08:57.622131Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvCreateTabletReply at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 message: Status: OK Owner: 72057594046644480 OwnerIdx: 3 TabletID: 72075186224037890 Origin: 72057594037968897 2024-07-01T11:08:57.622139Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByShardIdx, TxId: 281474976715663, shardIdx: 72057594046644480:3, partId: 0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.622151Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: Status: OK Owner: 72057594046644480 OwnerIdx: 3 TabletID: 72075186224037890 Origin: 72057594037968897 2024-07-01T11:08:57.622154Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 281474976715663:0 HandleReply TEvCreateTabletReply, at tabletId: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.622167Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 281474976715663:0 HandleReply TEvCreateTabletReply, message: Status: OK Owner: 72057594046644480 OwnerIdx: 3 TabletID: 72075186224037890 Origin: 72057594037968897 2024-07-01T11:08:57.622179Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715663:0 2 -> 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.622514Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.622532Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.622535Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateTable TConfigureParts operationId#281474976715663:0 ProgressState at tabletId# 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.622542Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateTable TConfigureParts operationId#281474976715663:0 ProgressState Propose modify scheme on datashard datashardId: 72075186224037890 seqNo: 2:3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.622599Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateTable TConfigureParts operationId#281474976715663:0 ProgressState Propose modify scheme on datashard datashardId: 72075186224037890 message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 7386622784692144092 RawX2: 4294979619 } TxBody: "\n\245\004\n\006Topics\020\007\032\017\n\004path\030\200$ \001(\000@\000\032\r\n\002dc\030\200$ \002(\000@\000(\001(\002:\262\003\022\253\003\010\200\200\200\002\020\254\002\030\364\003 \200\200\200\010(\0000\200\200\200 8\200\200\200\010@\2008H\000RX\010\000\020\000\030\010 \010(\200\200\200@0\377\377\377\377\0178\001B$\010e\020d\031\000\000\000\000\000\000\360?*\025background_compactionJ\017compaction_gen1P\nX\200\200\001`nh\000p\000Rb\010\001\020\200\200\200\024\030\005 \020(\200\200\200\200\0020\377\377\377\377\0178\000B$\010e\020d\031\000\000\000\000\000\000\360?*\025background_compactionJ\017compaction_gen2P\nX\200\200\001`nh\200\200\200\004p\200\200\200\004Rc\010\002\020\200\200\200\310\001\030\005 \020(\200\200\200\200@0\377\377\377\377\0178\000B$\010e\020d\031\000\000\000\000\000\000\360?*\025background_compactionJ\017compaction_gen3P\nX\200\200\001`nh\200\200\200(p\200\200\200(X\001`\005j$\010e\020d\031\000\000\000\000\000\000\360?*\025background_compactionr\017compaction_gen0z\017compaction_gen0\202\001\004scan\210\001\200\200\200\010\220\001\364\003\230\0012\270\001\2008\300\001\006R\002\020\001J\031/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Topics\242\001\n\002\000\000\000\000\200\000\000\000\200\252\001\000\260\001\001\270\001\000\210\002\001\222\002\013\t\000\001\205\000\000\000\000\001\020\007:\004\010\002\020\003" TxId: 281474976715663 ExecLevel: 0 Flags: 0 SchemeShardId: 72057594046644480 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } SubDomainPathId: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.622957Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976715663:0 from tablet: 72057594046644480 to tablet: 72075186224037890 cookie: 72057594046644480:3 msg type: 269549568 2024-07-01T11:08:57.622975Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715663, partId: 0, tablet: 72075186224037890 2024-07-01T11:08:57.680390Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvProposeTransactionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186224037890 Status: PREPARED TxId: 281474976715663 MinStep: 1 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 PrepareArriveTime: 1719832137675713 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 4 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037890 CpuTimeUsec: 70 } } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.680402Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715663, tablet: 72075186224037890, partId: 0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.680434Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186224037890 Status: PREPARED TxId: 281474976715663 MinStep: 1 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 PrepareArriveTime: 1719832137675713 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 4 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037890 CpuTimeUsec: 70 } } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.680439Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateTable TConfigureParts operationId#281474976715663:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionResult at tabletId# 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.680445Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateTable TConfigureParts operationId#281474976715663:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionResult message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186224037890 Status: PREPARED TxId: 281474976715663 MinStep: 1 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 PrepareArriveTime: 1719832137675713 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 4 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037890 CpuTimeUsec: 70 } } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.680447Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TEvProposeTransactionResult at tablet: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.680468Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectProposeTransactionResults accept TEvProposeTransactionResult, shard: 72075186224037890, shardIdx: 72057594046644480:3, operationId: 281474976715663:0, left await: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.680476Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715663:0 3 -> 128 2024-07-01T11:08:57.680888Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.680917Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.680921Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateTable TPropose operationId#281474976715663:0 HandleReply ProgressState at tablet: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.680932Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 281474976715663 ready parts: 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.680956Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046644480 Flags: 2 } AffectedSet { TabletId: 72075186224037890 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 281474976715663 MinStep: 1 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2024-07-01T11:08:57.681235Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976715663:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046644480 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:281474976715663 msg type: 269090816 2024-07-01T11:08:57.681253Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715663, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 2024-07-01T11:08:57.681628Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 1719832137730, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.681649Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 281474976715663 AckTo { RawX1: 7386622784692144331 RawX2: 4294975608 } } Step: 1719832137730 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72057594046644480, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.681658Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateTable TPropose operationId#281474976715663:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan at tablet: 72057594046644480, stepId: 1719832137730 2024-07-01T11:08:57.681678Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715663:0 128 -> 129 2024-07-01T11:08:57.681701Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5] was 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.681713Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7] was 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.682069Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.682077Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715663, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.682119Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715663, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.682159Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.682162Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715663, path id: 5 2024-07-01T11:08:57.682171Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715663, path id: 7 2024-07-01T11:08:57.682177Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.682181Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 281474976715663:0 ProgressState at tablet: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.682324Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 5 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715663 2024-07-01T11:08:57.682330Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 5 Version: 7 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715663 2024-07-01T11:08:57.682332Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715663 2024-07-01T11:08:57.682335Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715663, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], version: 7 2024-07-01T11:08:57.682338Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5] was 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.682403Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 7 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715663 2024-07-01T11:08:57.682411Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 7 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715663 2024-07-01T11:08:57.682413Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715663 2024-07-01T11:08:57.682416Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715663, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], version: 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.682418Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7] was 4 2024-07-01T11:08:57.682428Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715663, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2024-07-01T11:08:57.682790Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715663 2024-07-01T11:08:57.682800Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715663 2024-07-01T11:08:57.684547Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvProposeTransactionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186224037890 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 281474976715663 Step: 1719832137730 OrderId: 281474976715663 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 1 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037890 CpuTimeUsec: 244 } } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.684555Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715663, tablet: 72075186224037890, partId: 0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.684571Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186224037890 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 281474976715663 Step: 1719832137730 OrderId: 281474976715663 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 1 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037890 CpuTimeUsec: 244 } } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.684579Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Unexpected message: tablet# 72057594046644480, ev# TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186224037890 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 281474976715663 Step: 1719832137730 OrderId: 281474976715663 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 1 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037890 CpuTimeUsec: 244 } } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.685157Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046644480, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: Source { RawX1: 7386622786784850678 RawX2: 4503608217305094 } Origin: 72075186224037890 State: 2 TxId: 281474976715663 Step: 0 Generation: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.685163Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715663, tablet: 72075186224037890, partId: 0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.685177Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: Source { RawX1: 7386622786784850678 RawX2: 4503608217305094 } Origin: 72075186224037890 State: 2 TxId: 281474976715663 Step: 0 Generation: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.685179Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 281474976715663:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.685184Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 281474976715663:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046644480 message: Source { RawX1: 7386622786784850678 RawX2: 4503608217305094 } Origin: 72075186224037890 State: 2 TxId: 281474976715663 Step: 0 Generation: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.685190Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 281474976715663:0, shardIdx: 72057594046644480:3, datashard: 72075186224037890, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.685191Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.685193Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 281474976715663:0, datashard: 72075186224037890, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.685196Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715663:0 129 -> 240 2024-07-01T11:08:57.685335Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.685566Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.685584Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715663:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.685587Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046644480] TDone opId# 281474976715663:0ProgressState 2024-07-01T11:08:57.685595Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976715663:0 progress is 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.685597Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976715663 ready parts: 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.685601Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715663, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2024-07-01T11:08:57.685608Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [1:7386622784692144890:4285] message: TxId: 281474976715663 2024-07-01T11:08:57.685612Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976715663 ready parts: 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.685615Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976715663:0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.685616Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976715663:0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.685634Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7] was 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.698638Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Execute, message: Transaction { WorkingDir: "/Root/PQ/Config/V2" OperationType: ESchemeOpCreateTable CreateTable { Name: "Versions" Columns { Name: "name" Type: "Utf8" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "version" Type: "Int64" NotNull: false } KeyColumnNames: "name" PartitionConfig { } Temporary: false } } TxId: 281474976715664 TabletId: 72057594046644480 PeerName: "" , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.698692Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TCreateTable Propose, path: /Root/PQ/Config/V2/Versions, opId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.698702Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateTable Propose, path: /Root/PQ/Config/V2/Versions, opId: 281474976715664:0, schema: Name: "Versions" Columns { Name: "name" Type: "Utf8" NotNull: false } Columns { Name: "version" Type: "Int64" NotNull: false } KeyColumnNames: "name" PartitionConfig { } Temporary: false, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.698759Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: AttachChild: child attached as only one child to the parent, parent id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], parent name: V2, child name: Versions, child id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.698769Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason transaction target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8] was 0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.698773Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason new shard created for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8] was 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.698787Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason new path created for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8] was 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.698790Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715664:0 1 -> 2 2024-07-01T11:08:57.698886Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: IgniteOperation, opId: 281474976715664:0, propose status:StatusAccepted, reason: , at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.698893Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5] was 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.698899Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8] was 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.699390Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPropose Complete, txId: 281474976715664, response: Status: StatusAccepted TxId: 281474976715664 SchemeshardId: 72057594046644480 PathId: 8, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.699419Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: AUDIT: txId: 281474976715664, database: /Root, subject: , status: StatusAccepted, operation: CREATE TABLE, path: /Root/PQ/Config/V2/Versions 2024-07-01T11:08:57.699447Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.699449Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715664, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.699474Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715664, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.699485Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.699487Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715664, path id: 5 2024-07-01T11:08:57.699490Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715664, path id: 8 2024-07-01T11:08:57.699495Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.699500Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 281474976715664:0 ProgressState, operation type: TxCreateTable, at tablet72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.699532Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 281474976715664:0 CreateRequest Event to Hive: 72057594037968897 msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 OwnerIdx: 4 TabletType: DataShard ObjectDomain { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } ObjectId: 8 BindedChannels { StoragePoolName: "/Root:test" } BindedChannels { StoragePoolName: "/Root:test" } BindedChannels { StoragePoolName: "/Root:test" } AllowedDomains { SchemeShard: 72057594046644480 PathId: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.699783Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 5 Version: 8 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715664 2024-07-01T11:08:57.699789Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 5 Version: 8 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715664 2024-07-01T11:08:57.699791Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715664 2024-07-01T11:08:57.699794Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715664, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], version: 8 2024-07-01T11:08:57.699796Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5] was 4 2024-07-01T11:08:57.699826Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 8 Version: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715664 2024-07-01T11:08:57.699830Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 8 Version: 1 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715664 2024-07-01T11:08:57.699832Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715664 2024-07-01T11:08:57.699833Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715664, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], version: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.699834Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8] was 4 2024-07-01T11:08:57.699840Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715664, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2024-07-01T11:08:57.703764Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NotifyTxCompletion operation in-flight, txId: 281474976715664, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.703770Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715664, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2024-07-01T11:08:57.703773Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NotifyTxCompletion transaction is registered, txId: 281474976715664, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.704118Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976715664:0 from tablet: 72057594046644480 to tablet: 72057594037968897 cookie: 72057594046644480:4 msg type: 268697601 2024-07-01T11:08:57.704139Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715664, partId: 0, tablet: 72057594037968897 2024-07-01T11:08:57.704141Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByShardIdx, TxId: 281474976715664, shardIdx: 72057594046644480:4, partId: 0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.704155Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715664 2024-07-01T11:08:57.704159Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715664 2024-07-01T11:08:57.711906Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvCreateTabletReply at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 message: Status: OK Owner: 72057594046644480 OwnerIdx: 4 TabletID: 72075186224037891 Origin: 72057594037968897 2024-07-01T11:08:57.711917Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByShardIdx, TxId: 281474976715664, shardIdx: 72057594046644480:4, partId: 0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.711936Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: Status: OK Owner: 72057594046644480 OwnerIdx: 4 TabletID: 72075186224037891 Origin: 72057594037968897 2024-07-01T11:08:57.711941Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateParts opId# 281474976715664:0 HandleReply TEvCreateTabletReply, at tabletId: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.711945Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateParts opId# 281474976715664:0 HandleReply TEvCreateTabletReply, message: Status: OK Owner: 72057594046644480 OwnerIdx: 4 TabletID: 72075186224037891 Origin: 72057594037968897 2024-07-01T11:08:57.711962Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715664:0 2 -> 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.715959Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.715984Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.715987Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateTable TConfigureParts operationId#281474976715664:0 ProgressState at tabletId# 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.715998Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateTable TConfigureParts operationId#281474976715664:0 ProgressState Propose modify scheme on datashard datashardId: 72075186224037891 seqNo: 2:4 2024-07-01T11:08:57.716084Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateTable TConfigureParts operationId#281474976715664:0 ProgressState Propose modify scheme on datashard datashardId: 72075186224037891 message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME SourceDeprecated { RawX1: 7386622784692144092 RawX2: 4294979619 } TxBody: "\n\247\004\n\010Versions\020\010\032\017\n\004name\030\200$ \001(\000@\000\032\021\n\007version\030\003 \002(\000@\000(\001:\262\003\022\253\003\010\200\200\200\002\020\254\002\030\364\003 \200\200\200\010(\0000\200\200\200 8\200\200\200\010@\2008H\000RX\010\000\020\000\030\010 \010(\200\200\200@0\377\377\377\377\0178\001B$\010e\020d\031\000\000\000\000\000\000\360?*\025background_compactionJ\017compaction_gen1P\nX\200\200\001`nh\000p\000Rb\010\001\020\200\200\200\024\030\005 \020(\200\200\200\200\0020\377\377\377\377\0178\000B$\010e\020d\031\000\000\000\000\000\000\360?*\025background_compactionJ\017compaction_gen2P\nX\200\200\001`nh\200\200\200\004p\200\200\200\004Rc\010\002\020\200\200\200\310\001\030\005 \020(\200\200\200\200@0\377\377\377\377\0178\000B$\010e\020d\031\000\000\000\000\000\000\360?*\025background_compactionJ\017compaction_gen3P\nX\200\200\001`nh\200\200\200(p\200\200\200(X\001`\005j$\010e\020d\031\000\000\000\000\000\000\360?*\025background_compactionr\017compaction_gen0z\017compaction_gen0\202\001\004scan\210\001\200\200\200\010\220\001\364\003\230\0012\270\001\2008\300\001\006R\002\020\001J\033/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Versions\242\001\006\001\000\000\000\000\200\252\001\000\260\001\001\270\001\000\210\002\001\222\002\013\t\000\001\205\000\000\000\000\001\020\010:\004\010\002\020\004" TxId: 281474976715664 ExecLevel: 0 Flags: 0 SchemeShardId: 72057594046644480 ProcessingParams { Version: 1 PlanResolution: 7 Coordinators: 72057594046316545 TimeCastBucketsPerMediator: 2 Mediators: 72057594046382081 } SubDomainPathId: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.720015Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976715664:0 from tablet: 72057594046644480 to tablet: 72075186224037891 cookie: 72057594046644480:4 msg type: 269549568 2024-07-01T11:08:57.720043Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715664, partId: 0, tablet: 72075186224037891 2024-07-01T11:08:57.740768Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvProposeTransactionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186224037891 Status: PREPARED TxId: 281474976715664 MinStep: 1 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 PrepareArriveTime: 1719832137728666 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 12 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037891 CpuTimeUsec: 62 } } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.740779Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715664, tablet: 72075186224037891, partId: 0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.740804Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186224037891 Status: PREPARED TxId: 281474976715664 MinStep: 1 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 PrepareArriveTime: 1719832137728666 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 12 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037891 CpuTimeUsec: 62 } } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.740810Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateTable TConfigureParts operationId#281474976715664:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionResult at tabletId# 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.740816Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TCreateTable TConfigureParts operationId#281474976715664:0 HandleReply TEvProposeTransactionResult message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186224037891 Status: PREPARED TxId: 281474976715664 MinStep: 1 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 PrepareArriveTime: 1719832137728666 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 12 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037891 CpuTimeUsec: 62 } } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.740818Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TEvProposeTransactionResult at tablet: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.740840Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectProposeTransactionResults accept TEvProposeTransactionResult, shard: 72075186224037891, shardIdx: 72057594046644480:4, operationId: 281474976715664:0, left await: 0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.740844Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715664:0 3 -> 128 2024-07-01T11:08:57.743926Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.743964Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.743968Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateTable TPropose operationId#281474976715664:0 HandleReply ProgressState at tablet: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.743978Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToPropose , TxId: 281474976715664 ready parts: 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.744009Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoPropose send propose to coordinator: 72057594046316545 message:Transaction { AffectedSet { TabletId: 72057594046644480 Flags: 2 } AffectedSet { TabletId: 72075186224037891 Flags: 2 } ExecLevel: 0 TxId: 281474976715664 MinStep: 1 MaxStep: 18446744073709551615 IgnoreLowDiskSpace: true } CoordinatorID: 72057594046316545 2024-07-01T11:08:57.747980Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Send tablet strongly msg operationId: 281474976715664:4294967295 from tablet: 72057594046644480 to tablet: 72057594046316545 cookie: 0:281474976715664 msg type: 269090816 2024-07-01T11:08:57.748016Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation RegisterRelationByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715664, partId: 4294967295, tablet: 72057594046316545 2024-07-01T11:08:57.749122Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, stepId: 1719832137793, transactions count in step: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.749149Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationPlanStep Execute, message: Transactions { TxId: 281474976715664 AckTo { RawX1: 7386622784692144331 RawX2: 4294975608 } } Step: 1719832137793 MediatorID: 72057594046382081 TabletID: 72057594046644480, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.749156Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TCreateTable TPropose operationId#281474976715664:0 HandleReply TEvOperationPlan at tablet: 72057594046644480, stepId: 1719832137793 2024-07-01T11:08:57.749182Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715664:0 128 -> 129 2024-07-01T11:08:57.749208Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5] was 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.749222Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: IncrementPathDbRefCount reason publish path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8] was 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756107Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoExecute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756114Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715664, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756152Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DescribePath, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715664, path id: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8] 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756184Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard DoComplete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756192Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715664, path id: 5 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756195Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxPublishToSchemeBoard Send, to populator: [1:7386622784692144340:8285], at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715664, path id: 8 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756201Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756206Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 281474976715664:0 ProgressState at tablet: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756285Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvProposeTransactionResult, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186224037891 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 281474976715664 Step: 1719832137793 OrderId: 281474976715664 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 4 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037891 CpuTimeUsec: 293 } } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756298Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715664, tablet: 72075186224037891, partId: 0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756318Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186224037891 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 281474976715664 Step: 1719832137793 OrderId: 281474976715664 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 4 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037891 CpuTimeUsec: 293 } } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756327Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Unexpected message: tablet# 72057594046644480, ev# TxKind: TX_KIND_SCHEME Origin: 72075186224037891 Status: COMPLETE TxId: 281474976715664 Step: 1719832137793 OrderId: 281474976715664 ExecLatency: 0 ProposeLatency: 4 DomainCoordinators: 72057594046316545 TxStats { PerShardStats { ShardId: 72075186224037891 CpuTimeUsec: 293 } } 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756416Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 5 Version: 9 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715664 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756430Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 5 Version: 9 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715664 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756432Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715664 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756435Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715664, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5], version: 9 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756439Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 5] was 4 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756475Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle TEvUpdateAck, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 8 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715664 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756484Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Execute, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, msg: Owner: 72057594046644480 Generation: 2 LocalPathId: 8 Version: 3 PathOwnerId: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715664 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756486Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Operation in-flight, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715664 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756487Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: AckPublish, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, txId: 281474976715664, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], version: 3 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756489Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove publishing for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8] was 4 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756494Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715664, ready parts: 0/1, is published: true 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756793Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: Handle TEvSchemaChanged, tabletId: 72057594046644480, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: Source { RawX1: 7386622784692145003 RawX2: 4503603922337798 } Origin: 72075186224037891 State: 2 TxId: 281474976715664 Step: 0 Generation: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756801Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation FindRelatedPartByTabletId, TxId: 281474976715664, tablet: 72075186224037891, partId: 0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756813Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply execute, operationId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, message: Source { RawX1: 7386622784692145003 RawX2: 4503603922337798 } Origin: 72075186224037891 State: 2 TxId: 281474976715664 Step: 0 Generation: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756816Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 281474976715664:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756824Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: NTableState::TProposedWaitParts operationId# 281474976715664:0 HandleReply TEvSchemaChanged at tablet: 72057594046644480 message: Source { RawX1: 7386622784692145003 RawX2: 4503603922337798 } Origin: 72075186224037891 State: 2 TxId: 281474976715664 Step: 0 Generation: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756832Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: CollectSchemaChanged accept TEvDataShard::TEvSchemaChanged, operationId: 281474976715664:0, shardIdx: 72057594046644480:4, datashard: 72075186224037891, left await: 0, txState.State: ProposedWaitParts, txState.ReadyForNotifications: 1, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756833Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: all shard schema changes has been received, operationId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756835Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: send schema changes ack message, operation: 281474976715664:0, datashard: 72075186224037891, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.756838Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Change state for txid 281474976715664:0 129 -> 240 2024-07-01T11:08:57.760151Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.760175Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715664 2024-07-01T11:08:57.760180Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxAckPublishToSchemeBoard Complete, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480, cookie: 281474976715664 2024-07-01T11:08:57.760187Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationReply complete, operationId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.760204Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxOperationProgress Execute, operationId: 281474976715664:0, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:08:57.760213Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: [72057594046644480] TDone opId# 281474976715664:0ProgressState 2024-07-01T11:08:57.760224Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Part operation is done id#281474976715664:0 progress is 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.760226Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976715664 ready parts: 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.760231Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToNotify, TxId: 281474976715664, ready parts: 1/1, is published: true 2024-07-01T11:08:57.760243Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation DoNotify send TEvNotifyTxCompletionResult to actorId: [1:7386622784692144976:4285] message: TxId: 281474976715664 2024-07-01T11:08:57.760248Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TOperation IsReadyToDone TxId: 281474976715664 ready parts: 1/1 2024-07-01T11:08:57.760251Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD NOTICE: Operation and all the parts is done, operation id: 281474976715664:0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.760253Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: RemoveTx for txid 281474976715664:0 2024-07-01T11:08:57.760276Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: DecrementPathDbRefCount reason remove txstate target path for pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8] was 3 === Init DC: UPSERT INTO `/Root/PQ/Config/V2/Cluster` (name, balancer, local, enabled, weight) VALUES ("dc1", "localhost", true, true, 1000), ("dc2", "dc2.logbroker.yandex.net", false, true, 1000); 2024-07-01T11:08:57.876054Z node 1 :KQP_EXECUTER ERROR: TxId: 281474976715665. Ctx: { TraceId: 01j1pzqm1e529qw0nv4wq26fgg, Database: , SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NDAyZjJiMmEtNGIyZDEwZmQtM2UzNDVkODktNWUwYTJkNzc=, CurrentExecutionId: , CustomerSuppliedId: , PoolId: }. Database not set, use /Root === CheckClustersList. Subcribe to ClusterTracker from [1:7386622784692145123:12337] 2024-07-01T11:08:58.630303Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622788987112462:4309], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:58.630979Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZGUwODU2MTItYjJlNGU3MmEtZDM5YjNkYmYtNGE5NTNjNzI=, ActorId: [1:7386622788987112460:4308], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzqmtk3pm98xkygrvg11da, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:08:58.631157Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:08:58.631611Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622791079818038:4283], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:58.632194Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZGQ5YmNjNC0zODk1NWY5YS0zMTBlMjUwYy05NGM3MDc3Mw==, ActorId: [2:7386622791079818036:4282], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzqmtk60n605cg7b2gf632, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:08:58.632375Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:08:59.652069Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622793282079786:4296], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:59.652167Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=Mzc2ZDA4YTMtY2U2YmFmNjUtYjllNjE0N2QtZWRmYzhlNzg=, ActorId: [1:7386622793282079784:4282], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzqnvf80gxfwynm7asg1ta, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:08:59.652368Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:08:59.653838Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622795374785345:4281], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:08:59.653950Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ODE0YzQzNTctMWRmNDhkMjgtN2YwZGY1OTQtZGZkNzgzOTc=, ActorId: [2:7386622795374785343:4285], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzqnvg3ytcs57yx8jke6k0, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:08:59.654097Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:00.673578Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622797577047102:4287], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:00.673697Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ODA5NjQ5YjgtYjkwNTFiYzQtNDJhZWFiOGUtYThkMzg2ZWU=, ActorId: [1:7386622797577047100:4273], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzqpvc9v6xefkvjmc5k8dn, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:00.673916Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:00.677079Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622799669752652:4297], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:00.677182Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NzA0MjM5ZmYtNGM3MDgwMTgtYzFiMTQxODgtNWI3MDIzMGQ=, ActorId: [2:7386622799669752650:4293], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzqpved9ae5vvkqed0cz8x, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:00.677368Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:01.694882Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622801872014418:4298], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:01.695407Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NWQyZDgxNjEtYTAxNWE1ZGYtMzk1ODVjYzUtNjQwMDAzMWM=, ActorId: [1:7386622801872014416:4287], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzqqva5pae65d6nb6rc86t, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:01.695600Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:01.698296Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622803964719959:4296], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:01.698379Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=OGUxYjc4ZWUtMmZkOTMyOWEtMmQzNzg1ZmItMWRmNjhmYmE=, ActorId: [2:7386622803964719957:4284], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzqqvd4bnc1mkytgdppgzz, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:01.698658Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:02.117268Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[1:7386622784692143791:4098];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2024-07-01T11:09:02.117303Z node 1 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:68;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2024-07-01T11:09:02.139313Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=table_exists.cpp:59;actor=TTableExistsActor;event=timeout;self_id=[2:7386622786784850355:4098];send_to=[0:7307199536658146131:7762515]; 2024-07-01T11:09:02.139341Z node 2 :METADATA_PROVIDER ERROR: fline=accessor_snapshot_base.cpp:68;action=cannot detect path existence;path=//Root/.metadata/initialization/migrations;error=timeout; 2024-07-01T11:09:02.715371Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622806166981743:4288], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:02.715489Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OWFiODU5ZWMtMmIxZjU2MzYtYTkzODY4NGUtYzZjMWIwODQ=, ActorId: [1:7386622806166981741:4287], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzqrv837jf8xwn8dscesd0, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:02.715720Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:02.718964Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622808259687268:4290], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:02.719083Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZWU5ZGRkYjctYTgzNmRmNDctNWExNzgzNjItNmUzN2Q0Ng==, ActorId: [2:7386622808259687266:4289], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzqrvb5rycddxt80qbrbzy, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:02.719337Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:03.735152Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622810461949062:4308], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:03.735277Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZjQ0NWRjNzMtN2UzOTk4Ni02YmNkNDM4OS1mYzUzZjc0MA==, ActorId: [1:7386622810461949060:4309], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzqsv4ab06kkwr6acc2mdr, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:03.735625Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:03.738670Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622812554654577:4286], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:03.738745Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YjMxYzc0OTUtNGQ0NDQ4MTQtNjUxM2FjMTMtZGJmZGIwMTA=, ActorId: [2:7386622812554654575:4307], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzqsv74vs44yc6trytcdv7, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:03.738923Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:04.755738Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622814756916380:4299], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:04.755842Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YTRhM2M2NjQtZDg2ZTRhNzUtMTVkNDkyZDAtNjRkYjYwMTU=, ActorId: [1:7386622814756916378:4289], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzqttz8xgtg3q9zk09w2kf, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:04.756021Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:04.759032Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622816849621886:4302], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:04.759124Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NjFkNTgxZC1jZjM1MGQ5OS1kZDBjM2YzLTY0Y2M0MzUw, ActorId: [2:7386622816849621884:4301], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzqtv37ek8hdfrs64s7rx5, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:04.759402Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:05.777633Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622819051883698:4289], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:05.777744Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NWNmMmY3NmEtNzdmYjMyOWEtMzE0ZDIxM2UtNTBiODcxYjU=, ActorId: [1:7386622819051883696:4296], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzqvtw98160fvwph5xk71w, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:05.777976Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:05.780426Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622821144589195:4308], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:05.780544Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YWY5NjhjMTMtYmUwZTNlZDYtN2NhYzdhYTktZGJkZjhmMTU=, ActorId: [2:7386622821144589193:4293], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzqvv06qpdk62kfx2jjvm5, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:05.780718Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:06.798772Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622823346851016:4282], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:06.798873Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YzQ2Nzk1OWQtOTc1NmU0N2ItMjViODU4YjgtOTRjNmVlOGQ=, ActorId: [1:7386622823346851014:4308], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzqwttfaw9vdr6xpsh9aa4, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:06.799079Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:06.800813Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622825439556504:4291], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:06.800914Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NGZmZmM0MTctYjNiZGEwYTEtZjc3MTYwOTYtMjllNDRhOWY=, ActorId: [2:7386622825439556502:4299], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzqwtx4gewyanzxxymrdkq, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:06.801105Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:07.485013Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046644480 from shard 72075186224037888 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] state 'Ready' dataSize 0 rowCount 0 cpuUsage 0 2024-07-01T11:09:07.584896Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 1 2024-07-01T11:09:07.584974Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037888 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046644480:1, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3], pathId map=SourceIdMeta2, is column=0, is olap=0 2024-07-01T11:09:07.584983Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037888, pathId 3: RowCount 0, DataSize 0 2024-07-01T11:09:07.585432Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 0 2024-07-01T11:09:07.613416Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046644480 from shard 72075186224037889 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6] state 'Ready' dataSize 776 rowCount 2 cpuUsage 0 2024-07-01T11:09:07.713459Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 1 2024-07-01T11:09:07.713520Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037889 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046644480:2, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], pathId map=Cluster, is column=0, is olap=0 2024-07-01T11:09:07.713524Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037889, pathId 6: RowCount 2, DataSize 776 2024-07-01T11:09:07.713976Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 0 2024-07-01T11:09:07.820448Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622827641818346:4299], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:07.820586Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZmExYjEyZTktNzg2YWZjMzQtYTZmM2FlNzAtY2JmODI5ZGU=, ActorId: [1:7386622827641818344:4286], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzqxtr2v3hh3pfjt6wqyfc, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:07.820823Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:07.821253Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622829734523815:4282], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:07.821381Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZmNhNjA0ZTktNTQ1MWI0YzAtMjNlZjAzZmMtMzVhMTY1Nzc=, ActorId: [2:7386622829734523813:4308], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzqxtsb4z4n4jr7hpty9wp, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:07.821551Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:08.842862Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622831936785666:4273], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:08.843010Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622834029491124:4286], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:08.843112Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZDEyZjJhZGMtNmJjNWUxY2UtMjE4ZmE4MWItZjVjYWYzNTA=, ActorId: [2:7386622834029491122:4288], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzqytp8hkxr66v96yzz8c7, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:08.843313Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:08.843490Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YmJmNWRlMTYtNmE2NzY5MWEtYTI4MjBiMGYtZTEwMzU1Mzk=, ActorId: [1:7386622831936785664:4310], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzqytn6cv2ankh5fz9taa3, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:08.843638Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:09.864433Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622838324458433:4311], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:09.864875Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=OGZjOGI0MmItYTdjOGU5ZWUtNzcwMzMzNWUtODBkMjc3MGY=, ActorId: [2:7386622838324458431:4308], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzqztk3y6sxwc490zqfen2, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:09.864437Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622836231752984:4283], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:09.864816Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YmE1MTcyMGQtN2FmZTllN2MtZTNjNmQyMTQtNGQ1NzAxYmI=, ActorId: [1:7386622836231752982:4298], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzqztm2df60wv11cccdmvk, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:09.865035Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:09.865076Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:10.886751Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622840526720302:4301], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:10.886894Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YTI4NmU0ZjEtOTEyMjkzMmMtNjJlZjRlMWMtODUwYTczODk=, ActorId: [1:7386622840526720300:4308], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzr0th9fbewe2bxbckq59x, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:10.887100Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:10.887678Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622842619425740:4304], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:10.887790Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MWNmYmZlNTQtYTk0NjFmMTItMWQ2ZDYyYTMtNzE2OTg1ZWM=, ActorId: [2:7386622842619425738:4280], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzr0th3mj2xz8d97jt4vjn, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:10.887964Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:11.908582Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622844821687620:4304], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:11.909100Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YmVkMzk4OTctOWNlMTA4ZmMtYjNjNjRiZmUtZGY0MzUyNjE=, ActorId: [1:7386622844821687618:4302], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzr1tg1a1x8bck5y3hdxw3, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:11.909315Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:11.933738Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622846914393047:4309], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:11.934334Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZTg3ZWE0MjItZGE3ODFhYWQtNDU0ZGNhOC1jZjZiZGJhMw==, ActorId: [2:7386622846914393045:4299], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzr1tk8z87hewyx3jsbha2, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:11.934510Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:12.185777Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD WARN: Cannot get console configs 2024-07-01T11:09:12.185791Z node 1 :IMPORT WARN: Table profiles were not loaded 2024-07-01T11:09:12.626988Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046644480 from shard 72075186224037890 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7] state 'Ready' dataSize 0 rowCount 0 cpuUsage 0.0059 2024-07-01T11:09:12.726989Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 1 2024-07-01T11:09:12.727036Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037890 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046644480:3, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], pathId map=Topics, is column=0, is olap=0 2024-07-01T11:09:12.727042Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037890, pathId 7: RowCount 0, DataSize 0 2024-07-01T11:09:12.727468Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 0 2024-07-01T11:09:12.728742Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046644480 from shard 72075186224037891 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8] state 'Ready' dataSize 640 rowCount 2 cpuUsage 0.0184 2024-07-01T11:09:12.828868Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 1 2024-07-01T11:09:12.828928Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037891 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046644480:4, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], pathId map=Versions, is column=0, is olap=0 2024-07-01T11:09:12.828940Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037891, pathId 8: RowCount 2, DataSize 640 2024-07-01T11:09:12.829323Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 0 2024-07-01T11:09:12.929722Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622849116654952:4308], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:12.929862Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YzNmNDc2MTgtYWNhNTlmMTQtYjE0Yzk1OGEtZDM0MzcwZjY=, ActorId: [1:7386622849116654950:4273], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzr2te54y6tpe5p7gevr5w, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:12.930045Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:12.954828Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622851209360359:4285], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:12.954930Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NjBkODcwNDctNTIyMzhmNTEtOWUzOWFhYWYtNzAxY2YzNWQ=, ActorId: [2:7386622851209360357:4283], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzr2v76g0brtbt0txq2pnx, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:12.955128Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:13.951232Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622853411622272:4302], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:13.951346Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OWFkNmViNjctMjczNmFhN2QtYjNkOTBmMjktMzQ0OWQ1OTY=, ActorId: [1:7386622853411622270:4305], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzr3tafcfpp0g09yvep4ed, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:13.951534Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:13.975230Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622855504327666:4291], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:13.975783Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MTQxN2MyNy1lMWNlYjg0YS0zNTA4ODVhMy03NjUxY2UxOQ==, ActorId: [2:7386622855504327664:4288], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzr3v33qxjz7zaxktzs7dq, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:13.975972Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:14.982087Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622857706589595:4317], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:14.982190Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NWQ4OWIzMDctNzVjYWU4NTktNTU0MzgxOTItMzg1MDQ4ZDQ=, ActorId: [1:7386622857706589593:4316], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzr4tb6vbakbe4cpjtjbse, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:14.982364Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:14.997141Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622859799294973:4315], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:14.997250Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YjAyZGZkY2EtNDVlYmYzMS02NjRiNjc0LWZiNWY2NTgw, ActorId: [2:7386622859799294971:4314], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzr4v00wws2t4s6mmzcg0y, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:14.997505Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:16.005445Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622862001556913:4321], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:16.005868Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OGVmZDdiZjctZTA5NGFiNzYtMTMxNjg0MjAtNzI1MTRjOGY=, ActorId: [1:7386622862001556911:4320], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzr5tf0gw973mqkekmqzz4, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:16.006064Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:16.018895Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622864094262280:4313], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:16.019026Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Njg1ZWZjNjgtYjczZWYwODItYzBjMThhNzgtZDY3NzUzZmQ=, ActorId: [2:7386622864094262278:4312], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzr5ty57refcedch9f6s8z, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:16.019231Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:17.027696Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622870591491527:4331], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:17.027831Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YWI2Y2M5OWYtYjMxYjBlNGQtZTA5YTU3NDQtNGY1MTNlYzk=, ActorId: [1:7386622870591491525:4315], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzr6teaewtm993wecb0fs2, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:17.028031Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:17.041722Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622872684196883:4316], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:17.041860Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=N2ZiZWNiZmUtNmJkZTg2Yi00ZDk3OGUxNS1mYmQ1ZjJlNw==, ActorId: [2:7386622872684196881:4285], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzr6tv62ntebsne3aknrs4, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:17.042089Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:17.486282Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046644480 from shard 72075186224037888 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] state 'Ready' dataSize 0 rowCount 0 cpuUsage 0.0167 2024-07-01T11:09:17.586328Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 1 2024-07-01T11:09:17.586391Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037888 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046644480:1, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3], pathId map=SourceIdMeta2, is column=0, is olap=0 2024-07-01T11:09:17.586396Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037888, pathId 3: RowCount 0, DataSize 0 2024-07-01T11:09:17.586870Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 0 2024-07-01T11:09:17.614221Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046644480 from shard 72075186224037889 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6] state 'Ready' dataSize 776 rowCount 2 cpuUsage 0.0272 2024-07-01T11:09:17.714352Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 1 2024-07-01T11:09:17.714397Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037889 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046644480:2, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], pathId map=Cluster, is column=0, is olap=0 2024-07-01T11:09:17.714402Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037889, pathId 6: RowCount 2, DataSize 776 2024-07-01T11:09:17.715003Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 0 2024-07-01T11:09:18.049805Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622874886458850:4308], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:18.049943Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NGE4NGEwNmItNGIzNTRhZWUtZDE1M2E2ZTQtOGZiMzU4OWE=, ActorId: [1:7386622874886458848:4302], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzr7tc1mm0zvqzphv6xvdw, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:18.050130Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:18.063922Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622876979164191:4323], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:18.064034Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZTE5ZjcxMTItZjdjNWE3MC04NTBlNGJjOS1kZTYxZWM5OQ==, ActorId: [2:7386622876979164189:4280], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzr7ttbzhvx3y4pxtf85ff, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:18.064245Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:19.071388Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622879181426168:4323], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:19.071744Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YzNlYzZmNmUtZDM3MmMyNTgtNjY0MzRkMDMtMjU3YzFiZjI=, ActorId: [1:7386622879181426166:4321], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzr8ta54a11hhbdvaddbpx, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:19.071933Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:19.086741Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622881274131498:4318], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:19.087218Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=OTdmN2EwNTgtMmYyNjYyMTYtZTAxNTYyYzctOWVjMzk5Yjc=, ActorId: [2:7386622881274131496:4317], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzr8treserwsbktzc0wq7s, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:19.087457Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:20.093437Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622883476393488:4304], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:20.093570Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZjcxMDU5MzUtY2Y3MDM4ZWEtNmU5NTU0ZS04NTg2ZmUwNQ==, ActorId: [1:7386622883476393486:4302], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzr9t89qwc744x3begafww, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:20.093760Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:20.108996Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622885569098805:4324], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:20.109137Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MTg2NDc1ZDctYTkyM2Q3MDMtNTg0MmJlMzMtOTEwZWUwNmI=, ActorId: [2:7386622885569098803:4300], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzr9tr7p9a9v6dtg1gkcsg, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:20.109345Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:21.114775Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622887771360808:4320], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:21.114883Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=Y2JjYTVjMzAtNTQzMmY0OTAtY2RkNTZkYWMtNTViYmNkODE=, ActorId: [1:7386622887771360806:4321], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrat65ty5wd6t002cf242, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:21.115046Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:21.129886Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622889864066112:4319], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:21.129986Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZjcxM2NlYzQtYzllMWQ0NjktMmJkMTBlMWItYzRmYzViNmY=, ActorId: [2:7386622889864066110:4280], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzratne8tq1jypvf1fqsch, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:21.130176Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:22.138262Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622892066328126:4320], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:22.138393Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NDEwYzg4NTEtMWExYTM4YTAtMjcwOTAxMjctZTI0NjM0ZGY=, ActorId: [1:7386622892066328124:4325], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrbt39gje6mjs1hb8an0f, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:22.138646Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:22.152460Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622894159033419:4305], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:22.152598Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZDE2MDI3MmQtMmIwMzU5MDgtMjhmMzBmODUtMzFkZjUyZWY=, ActorId: [2:7386622894159033417:4294], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrbtja8yhgvgsdeby282z, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:22.152898Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:22.627248Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046644480 from shard 72075186224037890 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7] state 'Ready' dataSize 0 rowCount 0 cpuUsage 0.0059 2024-07-01T11:09:22.727331Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 1 2024-07-01T11:09:22.727383Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037890 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046644480:3, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], pathId map=Topics, is column=0, is olap=0 2024-07-01T11:09:22.727389Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037890, pathId 7: RowCount 0, DataSize 0 2024-07-01T11:09:22.727870Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 0 2024-07-01T11:09:22.728960Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046644480 from shard 72075186224037891 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8] state 'Ready' dataSize 640 rowCount 2 cpuUsage 0.0184 2024-07-01T11:09:22.829251Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 1 2024-07-01T11:09:22.829301Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037891 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046644480:4, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], pathId map=Versions, is column=0, is olap=0 2024-07-01T11:09:22.829306Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037891, pathId 8: RowCount 2, DataSize 640 2024-07-01T11:09:22.829721Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 0 2024-07-01T11:09:23.160728Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622896361295451:4304], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:23.161285Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZTMwZTgyNzktZmQwMDVkOTYtNWVkZWQyYzMtNWQ2ZTY0MWE=, ActorId: [1:7386622896361295449:4299], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrct37txfw9tbk58d25ne, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:23.161518Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:23.174663Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622898454000726:4312], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:23.174799Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ODczOThkNmYtZmUxZmZhZWUtYmYyYzJiY2UtNjEyNDhmNTA=, ActorId: [2:7386622898454000724:4302], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrcth24pa3zhrprs7y2p0, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:23.174998Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:24.186677Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622900656262769:4317], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:24.186811Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NDg5NjQ1MDAtY2JmY2FmMzctN2Y2NWQzNDUtMTQxYTQ0YmI=, ActorId: [1:7386622900656262767:4334], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrdt2dpp5ztxw9rmc2g4c, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:24.187097Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:24.201612Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622902748968035:4327], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:24.202211Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MmJlMzRjOWYtMTNmZWU3Ni04ZjhjYzdiLTE4YjY2MDc0, ActorId: [2:7386622902748968033:4326], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrdtf4sj5s9m5wejqvsdj, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:24.202480Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:25.208156Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622904951230089:4331], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:25.208277Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YmEwOWM3YmQtYWUzMTA4MS1jZjVhNTE2LWU0YjNmZmRh, ActorId: [1:7386622904951230087:4323], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzret359s1hz0dycfmq51q, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:25.208473Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:25.223792Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622907043935342:4319], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:25.224214Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MTQ2NTIxY2MtY2UyNTBiZWUtYjQzMjIzZjctZDAzYjQ1Y2I=, ActorId: [2:7386622907043935340:4317], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzretkadwfcsp88nvhpj54, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:25.224414Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:26.230063Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622909246197409:4336], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:26.230186Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ODM0NWViZGItMmEyYjZmYjAtOGJmZmU2OTYtNmRhMzg4NDM=, ActorId: [1:7386622909246197407:4335], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrft104z7r6xdx24s73bj, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:26.230364Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:26.245561Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622911338902649:4327], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:26.245680Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NzBmMmU0ZGItZWZlMTI5NzAtNjI0MjEzMWUtZWZlMGQ2YzI=, ActorId: [2:7386622911338902647:4308], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrfthdvs261e5xdn5nvtf, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:26.245898Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:27.251570Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622913541164731:4313], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:27.251698Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OWRkNjM3YzAtM2I4NzNjZjAtYzk3NTZkOTgtYzM3ZWJiZA==, ActorId: [1:7386622913541164729:4330], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrgsy62byngqmr3jetndc, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:27.251884Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:27.266971Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622915633869957:4330], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:27.267091Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTNlMmJkMzEtNjhlMTg2OGYtOTExN2I4ZjMtNjA0ZjQxY2Q=, ActorId: [2:7386622915633869955:4308], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrgte3v0z6tzxs395w91h, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:27.267292Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:27.486584Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046644480 from shard 72075186224037888 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] state 'Ready' dataSize 0 rowCount 0 cpuUsage 0.0167 2024-07-01T11:09:27.586738Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 1 2024-07-01T11:09:27.586788Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037888 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046644480:1, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3], pathId map=SourceIdMeta2, is column=0, is olap=0 2024-07-01T11:09:27.586793Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037888, pathId 3: RowCount 0, DataSize 0 2024-07-01T11:09:27.587207Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 0 2024-07-01T11:09:27.614004Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046644480 from shard 72075186224037889 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6] state 'Ready' dataSize 776 rowCount 2 cpuUsage 0.0075 2024-07-01T11:09:27.714178Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 1 2024-07-01T11:09:27.714233Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037889 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046644480:2, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], pathId map=Cluster, is column=0, is olap=0 2024-07-01T11:09:27.714242Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037889, pathId 6: RowCount 2, DataSize 776 2024-07-01T11:09:27.714700Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 0 2024-07-01T11:09:28.271828Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622917836132058:4333], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:28.271918Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YmYxODU0MzUtNjcyODY2YzAtYzJiNzc2ZmEtNmVjYzBhNjU=, ActorId: [1:7386622917836132056:4317], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrhswcz53kt61n43sw065, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:28.272059Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:28.286897Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622919928837268:4318], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:28.287328Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZGRmZTRhZjMtMWRjOGNiZDQtY2Y4MDU3NTMtNGYzOTRmZGU=, ActorId: [2:7386622919928837266:4316], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrhtc7e3kdx3ftrc41ft9, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:28.287531Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:29.293647Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622922131099376:4328], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:29.293759Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=N2JlZGE3ZDMtZmNlZjY3YjgtYTBmMjNlNWEtNDFhZjliN2U=, ActorId: [1:7386622922131099374:4302], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrjsr7swfxt7x0azrt018, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:29.293960Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:29.306475Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622924223804575:4332], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:29.306585Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZWYwZDljODUtYTNjOTk5NzktZTgwNzYyNmQtYzliMTNjZWI=, ActorId: [2:7386622924223804573:4282], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrjt73t88n7fdj3tj4z47, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:29.306753Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:30.316311Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622926426066697:4346], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:30.316420Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MjIwYjUzM2UtN2RlMTk5NDktNzA1MjYzM2YtMzZlM2VhMTI=, ActorId: [1:7386622926426066695:4337], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrksqdqw630xx4eb1y64j, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:30.316622Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:30.327621Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622928518771882:4283], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:30.327739Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YWFjODcyYy05YmVhOGM1MS1iMDQ4OWIyYy0xNTVlNzBjNg==, ActorId: [2:7386622928518771880:4294], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrkt35aa5y7hev9x3ngk5, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:30.327953Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:31.337050Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622930721034017:4347], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:31.337170Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZmRiZjAyYmYtMjRkYjk5ZjgtNzVjMmU5NjMtOThlNjAzNGU=, ActorId: [1:7386622930721034015:4337], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrmsnc5p2nfevc1m01wf5, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:31.337352Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:31.348768Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622932813739189:4335], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:31.349220Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=OTJlN2Q5M2YtN2E0ZmIxZmEtOTFkYjAxMTEtYWM4NDcwNzI=, ActorId: [2:7386622932813739187:4331], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrmt048nxp4htdhczejx7, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:31.349482Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:32.360036Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622935016001337:4320], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:32.360166Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YzFhNzcxMDItNTYzMmEyNGItN2QyZTEwYmItZjhjMWViZTY=, ActorId: [1:7386622935016001335:4318], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrnshfr72m2kag0ek40sn, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:32.360359Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:32.370048Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622937108706496:4338], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:32.370384Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTZjMmUyNmUtZGIzZjFjMWUtNjljOTVlYjctNGQxNjM1NDg=, ActorId: [2:7386622937108706494:4332], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrnsyed764ky3hpbvktpt, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:32.370576Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:32.627631Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046644480 from shard 72075186224037890 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7] state 'Ready' dataSize 0 rowCount 0 cpuUsage 0.0023 2024-07-01T11:09:32.727720Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 1 2024-07-01T11:09:32.727793Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037890 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046644480:3, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], pathId map=Topics, is column=0, is olap=0 2024-07-01T11:09:32.727798Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037890, pathId 7: RowCount 0, DataSize 0 2024-07-01T11:09:32.728196Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 0 2024-07-01T11:09:32.729349Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046644480 from shard 72075186224037891 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8] state 'Ready' dataSize 640 rowCount 2 cpuUsage 0.0055 2024-07-01T11:09:32.829647Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 1 2024-07-01T11:09:32.829695Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037891 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046644480:4, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], pathId map=Versions, is column=0, is olap=0 2024-07-01T11:09:32.829701Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037891, pathId 8: RowCount 2, DataSize 640 2024-07-01T11:09:32.830142Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 0 2024-07-01T11:09:33.381381Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622939310968655:4315], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:33.381765Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZTdlNDc0YjctZGNlNDJjZjMtMWZiMjZjMDMtMjg5Yjc3ZTU=, ActorId: [1:7386622939310968653:4316], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrpsg1bnh4swn8cgc4zrn, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:33.382051Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:33.391286Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622941403673803:4337], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:33.391429Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ODJiNWQ4MzEtMmY3MmFlNDEtOTNlN2M1NGMtYTFkZjBmNjU=, ActorId: [2:7386622941403673801:4336], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrpsvch08dkbn553xh25m, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:33.391611Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:34.403622Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622943605935973:4349], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:34.403747Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZGVmMjZlOWMtYmEwNTcxNGItYjg3NDlhMzItNmE0MzUyZDM=, ActorId: [1:7386622943605935971:4328], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrqse5qb620acznyfz95y, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:34.403958Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:34.412453Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622945698641110:4341], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:34.412881Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MjEzNDg4OTctZTkwYmI4NmUtZDU3ZjkyMTItNWIyNGYxMDA=, ActorId: [2:7386622945698641108:4340], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrqsr8865nty6zxazxn5r, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:34.413062Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:35.424111Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622947900903291:4352], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:35.424416Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZGI3Zjg0ZmMtN2UwM2FjNDktMzFhYjBmNTctZjk5YTc3YTA=, ActorId: [1:7386622947900903289:4351], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrrsc20xk48ffte7gsr18, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:35.424585Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:35.433031Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622949993608417:4302], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:35.433450Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NmI1NmQxNjUtZmQwODM1MzctODFlODc0M2YtYjAyZTM3Nzc=, ActorId: [2:7386622949993608415:4331], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrrsn5s5x47j2cjg5z491, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:35.433673Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:36.444137Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622952195870609:4347], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:36.444243Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NzdkMmViOTgtMzhkYzQ2MDgtM2YxYjljNDktZmYzYjFkZjA=, ActorId: [1:7386622952195870607:4324], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrss9f2524ns0gkmvjfrf, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:36.444413Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:36.453459Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622954288575724:4340], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:36.453546Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZmI0Y2M5NmYtMWNmZDkyZC1iMjYxNWMwNC0zZDA2YjAzNw==, ActorId: [2:7386622954288575722:4341], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrssjc685t6f8vcvwdt6m, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:36.453738Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:37.465361Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622956490837934:4336], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:37.465459Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=N2RmZjA1NTMtY2MzN2IzYWYtOWRhZDI3MWItYzYyZWMwNTc=, ActorId: [1:7386622956490837932:4335], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrts5cck5h6q1j3jz2q2e, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:37.465642Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:37.473590Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622958583543032:4347], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:37.473856Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NGFlZTAwNzEtNDg2ODljODItMTE4NzM3ZDktNjNiNDNhMWE=, ActorId: [2:7386622958583543030:4341], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrtse8670627a0ycrkhcj, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:37.474017Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:37.486896Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046644480 from shard 72075186224037888 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] state 'Ready' dataSize 0 rowCount 0 cpuUsage 0.0052 2024-07-01T11:09:37.587081Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 1 2024-07-01T11:09:37.587146Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037888 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046644480:1, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3], pathId map=SourceIdMeta2, is column=0, is olap=0 2024-07-01T11:09:37.587151Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037888, pathId 3: RowCount 0, DataSize 0 2024-07-01T11:09:37.587607Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 0 2024-07-01T11:09:37.614322Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046644480 from shard 72075186224037889 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6] state 'Ready' dataSize 776 rowCount 2 cpuUsage 0.0075 2024-07-01T11:09:37.714606Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 1 2024-07-01T11:09:37.714666Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037889 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046644480:2, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], pathId map=Cluster, is column=0, is olap=0 2024-07-01T11:09:37.714671Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037889, pathId 6: RowCount 2, DataSize 776 2024-07-01T11:09:37.715095Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 0 2024-07-01T11:09:38.486415Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622960785805254:4341], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:38.486556Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=Y2Q5ZGI3YjktN2MyYWQ0MWItNWI2YjE1YmYtNGZhZjA4ZTg=, ActorId: [1:7386622960785805252:4340], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrvs2bmx7dry14c4dvr4x, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:38.486810Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:38.496572Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622962878510339:4342], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:38.496687Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZWRkMGJjNDgtZWZlNTQ0ODktZDJhMDY1MTItMmE5NzA3YmY=, ActorId: [2:7386622962878510337:4340], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrvsacd3nb511qqqrxb2r, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:38.496887Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:39.508137Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622965080772572:4321], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:39.508266Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MjNmOGRkNTgtM2JjZGRkMjktYjc2N2Y1ZmYtYzJhYzU2NTQ=, ActorId: [1:7386622965080772570:4331], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrwrze9rkk64j9ereq476, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:39.508447Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:39.516797Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622967173477646:4346], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:39.516895Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZmUyMzQ1MGYtY2ZlYzA5ZTItYTRhNWUwNjEtMWI0MzEzYQ==, ActorId: [2:7386622967173477644:4285], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrws93j8dt6b7n1ed36ds, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:39.517062Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:40.529575Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622969375739890:4314], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:40.529673Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MzY1MmVkMWMtOGM3YzU2ZmUtNDgxNDdkZDgtY2I3MWMwMWE=, ActorId: [1:7386622969375739888:4336], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrxrw61xdn3tvx0jht2f2, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:40.529924Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:40.540147Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622971468444953:4345], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:40.540282Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MjNhOGViYmMtMTZhM2NhZDgtM2JjMDVhZTgtMmVhZjlkNTc=, ActorId: [2:7386622971468444951:4321], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrxs574t186rhjavwzh1q, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:40.540470Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:41.550273Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622973670707208:4325], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:41.550402Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZGRkYjM0MDUtZWQxYTFiNzgtZjE3M2NhMGItMmE3OTEyYmE=, ActorId: [1:7386622973670707206:4311], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzryrte48kz10dmr9mzgt8, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:41.550610Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:41.559889Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622975763412260:4335], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:41.560158Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MjY3NGZmOGMtZDQzODRhMmItOWI3MWRkOGEtZmViMjM0NGY=, ActorId: [2:7386622975763412258:4319], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrys50fhsxw262kvpw8pr, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:41.560323Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:42.570257Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622977965674527:4352], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:42.570358Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NmUxZmZkYTktYTEwZTc0OGEtY2UxZDUzMWItZTA5ZTk5ZA==, ActorId: [1:7386622977965674525:4363], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrzrqdzn99ga9rfr3gshs, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:42.570541Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:42.579443Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622980058379569:4341], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:42.579528Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=OWI3NmQ0YzUtMmUyOTEyOGQtZTdlNWMwMjgtMjRkZWYxNGI=, ActorId: [2:7386622980058379567:4318], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzrzs00vr5v974q1qfbf8n, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:42.579706Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:42.627915Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046644480 from shard 72075186224037890 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7] state 'Ready' dataSize 0 rowCount 0 cpuUsage 0.0014 2024-07-01T11:09:42.728125Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 1 2024-07-01T11:09:42.728164Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037890 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046644480:3, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], pathId map=Topics, is column=0, is olap=0 2024-07-01T11:09:42.728177Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037890, pathId 7: RowCount 0, DataSize 0 2024-07-01T11:09:42.728604Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 0 2024-07-01T11:09:42.729716Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046644480 from shard 72075186224037891 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8] state 'Ready' dataSize 640 rowCount 2 cpuUsage 0.0021 2024-07-01T11:09:42.829990Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 1 2024-07-01T11:09:42.830030Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037891 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046644480:4, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], pathId map=Versions, is column=0, is olap=0 2024-07-01T11:09:42.830035Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037891, pathId 8: RowCount 2, DataSize 640 2024-07-01T11:09:42.830520Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 0 2024-07-01T11:09:43.591649Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622982260641854:4331], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:43.592154Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YjI2ZGIyM2MtYTViODAwMjEtOGU1ZTlmNWMtNTUxN2Y0N2U=, ActorId: [1:7386622982260641852:4317], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzs0rkfmd682zwt3n73f7a, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:43.592352Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:43.598955Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622984353346878:4330], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:43.599066Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZDNiNmMxZi1iM2VlOGE4ZS1jNmNlZTY1YS01YTg3NzFiNw==, ActorId: [2:7386622984353346876:4349], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzs0rw95pdq3rsyjf7ewnb, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:43.599219Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:44.613341Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622986555609174:4333], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:44.613459Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZGM3MGZjMDQtNWY5YWFlOS0yNWNkOTNmZC01NGEyYjkxMw==, ActorId: [1:7386622986555609172:4299], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzs1rh0607d491fqhdvvhp, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:44.613652Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:44.619564Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622988648314185:4289], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:44.619721Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NmUyNTUwNTktZTJlOGUyYzItMTc3MzRhMzQtZjdkOTVlNmI=, ActorId: [2:7386622988648314183:4355], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzs1rqbn0x9tqceh1snwxc, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:44.619930Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:45.635166Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622990850576492:4343], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:45.635519Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MjUyZGMwMTItMjYxMjEwNi02ZWYyMTU3My04NWRmZjNhZg==, ActorId: [1:7386622990850576490:4302], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzs2re013a94hsnfbssnh6, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:45.635731Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:45.644043Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622992943281492:4300], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:45.644188Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NmY1MjYzOTItNDhjZWQwMDQtN2YzYjBlYzItYzczZmE4OWU=, ActorId: [2:7386622992943281490:4337], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzs2rqbrxdqmx7s0x27zr0, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:45.644437Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:46.657107Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622995145543810:4333], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:46.657218Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=YjgyMmM5YzgtZDhmODUwZDgtZGZjYzFhYTAtM2FjNDIzYWQ=, ActorId: [1:7386622995145543808:4317], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzs3rc7ec2ev4y7gzn8d4g, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:46.657406Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:46.664887Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386622997238248799:4342], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:46.665160Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=OGViOGI3MTEtNjAxZmZlOTEtZGUwZDBjYjctYzZiYTQzOWE=, ActorId: [2:7386622997238248797:4316], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzs3rncj6jx8kwk9a90ft2, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:46.665303Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:47.487355Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046644480 from shard 72075186224037888 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] state 'Ready' dataSize 0 rowCount 0 cpuUsage 0.0022 2024-07-01T11:09:47.587492Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 1 2024-07-01T11:09:47.587541Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037888 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046644480:1, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3], pathId map=SourceIdMeta2, is column=0, is olap=0 2024-07-01T11:09:47.587546Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037888, pathId 3: RowCount 0, DataSize 0 2024-07-01T11:09:47.588002Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 0 2024-07-01T11:09:47.614712Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046644480 from shard 72075186224037889 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6] state 'Ready' dataSize 776 rowCount 2 cpuUsage 0.0026 2024-07-01T11:09:47.677373Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386622999440511133:4347], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:47.677471Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OTA4YTlmNTEtODEwMGNhNzYtYzc4NjM5ODItNDAxMjdlNzQ=, ActorId: [1:7386622999440511131:4346], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzs4r999b22d9tzp6tx458, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:47.677664Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:47.683852Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386623001533216107:4338], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:47.683942Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MmE4Zjc4ZDMtNTg1OTllOTQtZjc3ZGQyNDktOTQ3OGEzZGY=, ActorId: [2:7386623001533216105:4317], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzs4rh0gs1tbpkbjk0f44w, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:47.684123Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:47.714947Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 1 2024-07-01T11:09:47.715002Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037889 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046644480:2, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], pathId map=Cluster, is column=0, is olap=0 2024-07-01T11:09:47.715009Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037889, pathId 6: RowCount 2, DataSize 776 2024-07-01T11:09:47.715458Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 0 2024-07-01T11:09:48.699802Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386623003735478451:4299], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:48.700157Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZmFlMzNhZDItNjU0ZjZmODItODE4MjI1OWYtODZkY2NmNDA=, ActorId: [1:7386623003735478449:4305], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzs5r626ptxhs1ympdx22j, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:48.700372Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:48.704462Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386623005828183414:4318], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:48.704559Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZjAyNDljNS0xZGEwOTA2Mi1iYzhmZjAzMC00NWM3Nzkx, ActorId: [2:7386623005828183412:4332], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzs5rcap48eep8gr5ry99h, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:48.704716Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:49.720664Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386623008030445771:4364], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:49.720768Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=OTRjOGM5MzgtY2JhMWQ0Y2UtMTg1MjViM2ItMzQwYThmZDE=, ActorId: [1:7386623008030445769:4346], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzs6r4een3q21h946m40r7, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:49.720983Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:49.724926Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386623010123150721:4338], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:49.725236Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=Nzg0ZjZlYTgtNjljYmVkMmYtN2UxNjY2ZC04ZGQ1MjkwYg==, ActorId: [2:7386623010123150719:4302], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzs6r9dnfqdrmn9hyz4wrd, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:49.725396Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:50.742287Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386623012325413091:4336], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:50.742403Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MWFiZGJiYjQtYjdkMDA4M2UtZGFjZmZjMjMtZTE0YzU4Yzc=, ActorId: [1:7386623012325413089:4328], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzs7r123gac8h4w90zpn3y, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:50.742603Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:50.745500Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386623014418118028:4354], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:50.745616Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=ZDYxZWNiNzMtZDQzYzFmOWQtMjNjYWZiN2UtMWJhZDRlZWU=, ActorId: [2:7386623014418118026:4285], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzs7r506ar2nwk5q4rnv8s, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:50.745787Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:51.763370Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386623016620380409:4303], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:51.763495Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=N2ZiZjZlMDAtMzUyNTI0OTctYjAyMmQ1Y2EtMmYyMDMyZTQ=, ActorId: [1:7386623016620380407:4365], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzs8r0a85e2jb0atc9jqze, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:51.763763Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:51.765490Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386623018713085335:4359], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:51.765611Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=OWY5MTIwZTAtZDMzMWFiMzctZjYxMWRlZTItMzA1MWFiY2U=, ActorId: [2:7386623018713085333:4358], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzs8r293rf9anbznxnj402, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:51.765781Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:52.628405Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046644480 from shard 72075186224037890 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7] state 'Ready' dataSize 0 rowCount 0 cpuUsage 0.0014 2024-07-01T11:09:52.728450Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 1 2024-07-01T11:09:52.728513Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037890 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046644480:3, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 7], pathId map=Topics, is column=0, is olap=0 2024-07-01T11:09:52.728518Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037890, pathId 7: RowCount 0, DataSize 0 2024-07-01T11:09:52.728985Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 0 2024-07-01T11:09:52.730140Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046644480 from shard 72075186224037891 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8] state 'Ready' dataSize 640 rowCount 2 cpuUsage 0.0021 2024-07-01T11:09:52.784502Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386623020915347727:4353], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:52.784637Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NTViMWIzMDYtMjA2YjNkN2EtZWU5MTA1NjEtMzhkNzc4YWE=, ActorId: [1:7386623020915347725:4350], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzs9qwbtrfc2mgpbx8mfkr, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:52.784847Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:52.785729Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386623023008052642:4313], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:52.785843Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YTRhYjUzMmEtNWVkOTQ0MzctMmJiMzJiOTQtNGFjODQ0OWI=, ActorId: [2:7386623023008052640:4351], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzs9qye53y0pj5mfsvf470, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:52.786082Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:52.830341Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 1 2024-07-01T11:09:52.830400Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037891 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046644480:4, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 8], pathId map=Versions, is column=0, is olap=0 2024-07-01T11:09:52.830405Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037891, pathId 8: RowCount 2, DataSize 640 2024-07-01T11:09:52.830869Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 0 2024-07-01T11:09:53.805766Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386623025210315045:4302], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:53.805885Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=MzAyYmI3YmQtZWNjZjVjOWEtZTQxNGM4MzMtNTFhNzJlNjI=, ActorId: [1:7386623025210315043:4324], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzsaqs1xexn3qddr2ar1kt, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:53.806074Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:53.807822Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386623027303019949:4300], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:53.807909Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=YzYxNGM1ZmMtNTQ2OTM1M2EtZTgxMmYwNmYtZjI0YmJiMjI=, ActorId: [2:7386623027303019947:4281], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzsaqtaaxaa477gnwxsav3, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:53.808107Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:54.828844Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386623031597987256:4355], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:54.828948Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NThiYzk2YWYtOGJmYmEwZTQtYzY4ODAxOGMtYjQ3MWRlNmM=, ActorId: [2:7386623031597987254:4347], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzsbqrc7smct29pqn58hwz, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:54.829132Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:54.829169Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386623029505282363:4340], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:54.829292Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZDZhZDAwMi1hMDhiZmU5ZC00MzBkYWIxNC03MGI1NmEyNw==, ActorId: [1:7386623029505282361:4303], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzsbqp9q0vmzn3n5740ed1, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:54.829490Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:55.850137Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386623033800249683:4366], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:55.850137Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386623035892954563:4308], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:55.850244Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=NTBlN2RjNWUtYjk2ZjE5NmMtY2IwODY5ZGEtMjExZTY2NDM=, ActorId: [1:7386623033800249681:4351], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzscqpfbkra0qtf8e9gnz8, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:55.850247Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=NTAyNjNjZS0xN2Y4NTkxNS0yNmU0MDdjMy0yYTBlNTllOQ==, ActorId: [2:7386623035892954561:4326], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzscqp1bp4fm3de8a6exdd, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:55.850469Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:55.850464Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:56.869798Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386623038095217003:4339], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:56.869899Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ZGQyMTk2Yy00NTE4MTNiNi1jODQxYWNjMy05NzJhNTc5Ng==, ActorId: [1:7386623038095217001:4318], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzsdqj5xxfqnsz4xcttm11, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:56.870050Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386623040187921870:4360], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:56.870075Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:56.870162Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MjE0ZDNhOGUtYzJkMzYyYTYtOTg2YTA1N2ItMTAzN2Q0YWI=, ActorId: [2:7386623040187921868:4362], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzsdqj370ksn4mvy6tc5kv, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:56.870354Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:57.240704Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Handle: TEvRunConditionalErase, at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:09:57.240726Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoExecute: at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:09:57.240750Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: TTxRunConditionalErase DoComplete: at schemeshard: 72057594046644480 2024-07-01T11:09:57.487774Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046644480 from shard 72075186224037888 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3] state 'Ready' dataSize 0 rowCount 0 cpuUsage 0.0022 2024-07-01T11:09:57.587918Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 1 2024-07-01T11:09:57.587975Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037888 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046644480:1, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 3], pathId map=SourceIdMeta2, is column=0, is olap=0 2024-07-01T11:09:57.587979Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037888, pathId 3: RowCount 0, DataSize 0 2024-07-01T11:09:57.588354Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 0 2024-07-01T11:09:57.615175Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Got periodic table stats at tablet 72057594046644480 from shard 72075186224037889 pathId [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6] state 'Ready' dataSize 776 rowCount 2 cpuUsage 0.0014 2024-07-01T11:09:57.715335Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 1 2024-07-01T11:09:57.715400Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD DEBUG: TTxStoreTableStats.PersistSingleStats: main stats from datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037889 maps to shardIdx: 72057594046644480:2, pathId: [OwnerId: 72057594046644480, LocalPathId: 6], pathId map=Cluster, is column=0, is olap=0 2024-07-01T11:09:57.715404Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Add stats from shard with datashardId(TabletID)=72075186224037889, pathId 6: RowCount 2, DataSize 776 2024-07-01T11:09:57.716036Z node 1 :FLAT_TX_SCHEMESHARD INFO: Started TEvPersistStats at tablet 72057594046644480, queue size# 0 2024-07-01T11:09:57.891365Z node 1 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [1:7386623042390184334:4336], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:57.891489Z node 1 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=1&id=ODYwMTVjM2ItN2E4NTlhZmMtZjhjMzMwNmUtODQ4MDFiNzY=, ActorId: [1:7386623042390184332:4378], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzseqe6vy23t9g6x41etyb, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:57.891690Z node 1 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } 2024-07-01T11:09:57.892184Z node 2 :KQP_COMPILE_ACTOR ERROR: Compilation failed, self: [2:7386623044482889182:4347], status: INTERNAL_ERROR, issues:
: Fatal: Execution, code: 1060
:3:16: Error: At function: KqpPhysicalTx
:3:120: Error: At function: DqPhyStage
:3:16: Error: At function: FromFlow, At function: Take
:3:120: Error: At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map
:3:120: Error: At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: version
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: balancer
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: enabled
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: local
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: name
:3:120: Error: At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member
:3:120: Error: Member not found: weight
: Fatal: ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed, code: 1 2024-07-01T11:09:57.892717Z node 2 :KQP_SESSION WARN: SessionId: ydb://session/3?node_id=2&id=MzRkNTc3ZmUtNjlkZDIzM2MtZmQyZDQ5MWMtZDViMzg1OTg=, ActorId: [2:7386623044482889180:4280], ActorState: ExecuteState, TraceId: 01j1pzseqf74rhwdj9hy4hxc4j, ReplyQueryCompileError, status INTERNAL_ERROR remove tx with tx_id: 2024-07-01T11:09:57.892904Z node 2 :PERSQUEUE_CLUSTER_TRACKER ERROR: failed to list clusters: { Response { QueryIssues { message: "Execution" issue_code: 1060 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: KqpPhysicalTx" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: DqPhyStage" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 16 } message: "At function: FromFlow, At function: Take" end_position { row: 3 column: 16 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: FlatMap, At function: FlatMap, At function: Map" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: AsStruct, At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: version" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: balancer" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: enabled" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: local" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: name" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "At function: Member, At function: Member, At function: Member" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 issues { position { row: 3 column: 120 } message: "Member not found: weight" end_position { row: 3 column: 120 } severity: 1 } } } } } } issues { message: "ydb/library/yql/core/expr_nodes_gen/yql_expr_nodes_gen.h:301 Cast(): requirement IsValid() failed" issue_code: 1 } } TxMeta { } } YdbStatus: INTERNAL_ERROR ConsumedRu: 1 } [[bad]](TWithBackTrace) Event queue is still empty.ydb/library/actors/testlib/test_runtime.cpp:1339: [[rst]] [[alt1]]TWithBackTrace::TWithBackTrace<>()+45 (0x1D528F1D) NActors::TTestActorRuntimeBase::DispatchEventsInternal(NActors::TDispatchOptions const&, TInstant)+11595 (0x1D52782B) NActors::TTestActorRuntimeBase::WaitForEdgeEvents(std::__y1::function&)>, TSet, std::__y1::allocator> const&, TDuration)+479 (0x1D529DFF) NKikimr::NPQ::NClusterTracker::TEvClusterTracker::TEvClustersUpdate* NActors::TTestActorRuntimeBase::GrabEdgeEventIf(TAutoPtr&, std::__y1::function, TDuration)+190 (0x119898BE) THolder NActors::TTestActorRuntimeBase::GrabEdgeEvent(TDuration)+87 (0x118E5CA7) NKikimr::NPersQueueTests::TFlatMsgBusPQClient::CheckClustersList(NActors::TTestActorRuntime*, bool, THashMap>, NKikimr::NPersQueueTests::TPQTestClusterInfo, THash>>, TEqualTo>>, std::__y1::allocator>>>)+467 (0x1192EBB3) NKikimr::NPersQueueTests::TPersQueueV1TestServerBase::InitializePQ()+1681 (0x11956511) NKikimr::NPersQueueTests::NTestSuiteTPersQueueTest::TTestCaseSetupLockSession2::Execute_(NUnitTest::TTestContext&)+138 (0x1181EFAA) NKikimr::NPersQueueTests::NTestSuiteTPersQueueTest::TCurrentTest::Execute()::'lambda'()::operator()() const+71 (0x119551C7) NUnitTest::TTestBase::Run(std::__y1::function, TBasicString> const&, char const*, bool)+127 (0x11BF4F3F) NKikimr::NPersQueueTests::NTestSuiteTPersQueueTest::TCurrentTest::Execute()+436 (0x11954AE4) NUnitTest::TTestFactory::Execute()+780 (0x11BF569C) NUnitTest::RunMain(int, char**)+3005 (0x11C0844D) ??+0 (0x7F1D3C9FFD90) __libc_start_main+128 (0x7F1D3C9FFE40) ??+0 (0x10CBA029) [[rst]]